This summer, I’m joining the Pan-Mass Challenge (PMC), a 180-mile bike-a-thon across Massachusetts that raises crucial funds for cancer research at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. I’m riding with Team Fitz alongside my partner, Niki, whose inspiring ride last year motivated me to take part in this incredible mission.
The PMC isn’t just a challenge; it’s an opportunity to make a difference. Every mile I pedal and every dollar raised fuels hope and drives progress in the fight against cancer. For me, this ride is deeply personal, like so many of us cancer has impacted my world in deeply personal ways. This fundraiser and ride is for those amazing people in my life who have faced cancer with courage, strength, and grace.
The Pan-Mass Challenge isn't easy. It's intense, constant, frustrating at times, challenging you to your core. But it's also a gift. I'm riding because I can, and I'm riding for those who can't.
As I log endless hours training, I carry with me deeply personal stories of the incredible people in my life who are facing or have faced cancer. Each dollar we raise and mile I pedal is for them, and the countless others who have fought or are fighting this disease.
This ride is for Sara, my ex and the mother of my children, who is living with T-Cell Lymphoma, a rare form of white blood cell cancer that she will live with her for the rest of her life. Despite this, she constantly greets each day with incredible determination and grace.
My father-in-law; Michael, who was Sara's hero and my kiddo’s favorite grandparent is being carried with me on my ride. In early 2018 he was diagnosed with advanced liver cancer which took his life later that summer. We were incredibly lucky to have him go through Hospice at our home, where he was surrounded by love and his grandchildren children, Sofia and James. For the last month of his life, Michael would read to them every day until he was no longer able to, and at that point, Sofia and James would sit on his bed and read their books to him until he passed.
I'm also riding for Liam, Niki's cousin, who is currently fighting stage 4 colon cancer with a spirit that refuses to give up. Despite the challenges of recovering from continuous surgery and chemo, he continues to inspire everyone around him with his unwavering positivity, thanks to his incredible mother, Gabriella, and the amazing staff and technology at Dana Farber.
And little Owen Noonan, who inspired our team last year. He is the sweetest little 5-year old boy and is taking on B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia with the heart of a superhero. Owen’s bravery and playful energy continue to shine through even during the toughest times.
These are just a few of the people who have inspired me to ride in the Pan-Mass Challenge.
This ride isn’t just for them, though. It’s also for the countless others who may be in your life—those who have been impacted, whether they’ve fought the disease themselves or supported loved ones through their battles. Whether they won their fight or not, each one is a testament to why funding cancer research and treatments is so vital.
I would be incredibly grateful for your support. Every bit helps, and together we can make a real difference.
Thank you for visiting my page and being part of this journey, xoxo - Mathew