Dear Friends and Supporters,
2004 is an extraordinary year for the Pan-Mass Challenge. PMC is on course to reach $1 Billion in lifetime donations to Dana Farber!
It's my 18th year and Kevin’s 17th year, riding in the PMC for Team Deb and all cancer patients. Research, new innovations in treatment, and care are made possible with your help.
Every dollar donated goes directly to cancer research and care at Dana Farber.
Please help us with a generous donation this year!
Thank you for all your support of Dana Farber and the PMC.
Kathy & Kevin
Dear Friends and Supporters,
Thank you all for your wonderful support in 2022. With your support I raised $9,000 and I reached the Heavy Hitter status! Simply put, every dollar raised went directly to Dana Farber for research and care for cancer patients. Thank you so much!!
This year, Kevin and I are riding a REIMAGINED RIDE. This means we will do a route and day of our choice, hopefully avoiding the sweltering weather of 2022! 2022 will be my 17th year and Kevin's 16th year riding the PMC on TEAM DEB.
Remember, 100% of your donation goes to Dana Farber. Please be generous and help support our other Team Deb riders.
Thank you in advance.
Kathy & Kevin
Dear Friends and Supporters,
After a year of getting slowly back to normal, we are thrilled to be riding with the wider group in support of the Pan-Mass Challenge.
Cancer continues to impact the globe, with over ten million people dying from cancer every year. A staggering statistic.
Kevin and I are more committed than ever to helping with this terrible disease. We are riding the Wellesley-Bourne ride of the PMC, raising funds for cancer research and treatment.
Please join us once again and support our treatment at Dana Faber. This will be my sixteenth year and Kevin’s fifteen year supporting this very important cause.
100% of your donation goes to Dana Farber.
Thank you in advance.
Dide in August. |
Thank you in advance.
Please donate online:
PAN MASS CHALLENGE 2021: A year of hope for vaccinating against the Coronavirus!
Dear Friends and Supporters,
One year ago, my message included “I hope a vaccine is found for Covid”. Today, I hope you and your families are vaccinated and doing well as summer 2021 approaches. What a sad toll the coronavirus has taken on families across America and the world.
Cancer continues to impact the globe, with over ten million people dying from cancer every year. A staggering statistic.
Kevin and I are more committed than ever to help with this terrible disease. We will do our own ride via the PMC and continue to raise funds for cancer research and treatment at Dana Faber. Kevin and I will ride with Bridget and Justin, and continue our efforts to raise donations. 100% of your donation goes to Dana Farber.
We understand there are many needs today, but if you can make even as small donation to the PMC in our fight against cancer, we would appreciate it.
Deb Teplow-our inspiration for TEAM DEB |
Please join us once again and support our ride in August.
Thank you in advance.
Kathy & Kevin
Please donate online:
Pan-Mass Challenge 2020: An Unusual Year
I hope you and your families are safe and well from COVID-19. The pandemic has been devastating to families and their loved ones. By working together, I hope we can diminish the impact of this virus until a vaccine is found.
As you probably have guessed, the organized ride of the PMC has been canceled this year. While not riding together physically, the group will ride in the spirit of the PMC and continue to raise funds for cancer research and treatment at Dana Farbar. Kev and I will ride in Western Mass with Bridget and Justin, and continue our efforts to raise donations. 100% of your donation goes to Dana Farber. I understand there are many needs today, but if you can make even as small donation to the PMC in our fight against cancer, I would really appreciate it. Thank you. Kathy
Kevin and I are more dedicated than ever to ride on our 12th and 13th PMC. Your support of the PMC has made it possible for research and treatment at Dana Farber. Family members and friends are battling cancer as I write this letter. We will be thinking of them as we ride and the many others who are suffering from this terrible disease. Please join me once again and support my ride in August. One hundred percent of your donation goes straight to Dana Farber!
Thank you in advance for your support. Kathy & Kevin
PAN MASS CHALLENGE 2018: Kevin and I are more dedicated than ever to ride on our 11th and 12th PMC. Two of our friends are battling cancer as I write this letter. We will be thinking of them as we ride and the many others who are suffering from this terrible disease. Please join me once again and support my ride in August. Thank you in advance for your support.
PAN MASS CHALLENGE 2017: I received my 10 year sticker in the mail this fall...and although the goal is much higher for riders this year, I just can't say no. The need continues to be greater. So please join me on this ride to obliterate cancer and please give as generously as possible. Thank you so much for your continued support. Together, WE are making a difference. Kathy and Kevin.
PAN MASS CHALLENGE 2016: Kevin and I are riding again...this is my 10th year and Kevin's 9th, riding to help raise money for cancer research and care. With your support we will fight cancer together and help the many families dealing with this terrible disease. Please make your donation today!
PAN MASS CHALLENGE 2015 Kevin and I will be riding from Wellesley to Provincetown this year with Team Deb. The need never changes to help raise funds for cancer treatment and research at Dana Farber, and we are committee to fundraising through the PMC for this worthly endeavor. Please support our ride with a donation today. Thank you in advance for your help. Kathy PAN MASS Challenge 2014-My brother' treatment at Dana Farber
The year 2014 began with my brother's diagnose of Multiple Myeloma, unfortunately becoming a reality. Chemo to stop its progression was no longer working. A longer term fix was in order...John's oncologist recommended a stem cell transplant. And, there was only one place to go...Dana Farber.
Traveling from his home in Connecticut to Boston, John and his wife Adrienne took up residence with us in Wellesley during the pre- transplant tests and procedures. A grueling schedule, followed by being admitted, and terrible chemo and sickness, and the transplants. John has great spirit and patience. After 16 days in the hospital, losing 20 pounds, he was finally sent home for 3 months in isolation.
After two days home, John was admitted to the local hospital because he couldn't walk. Six days later, he was taken by ambulance to Dana Farber. It turned out he had blood clots in his leg and foot. One week later he was released for home again. It's going to be a long year for John. But the wonderful doctors and nurses at Dana Farber hopefully have given him a new lease on life.
I am so proud of my brother for being so brave. I am also so very proud all our PMC donors who have helped my brother and others over these past 9 years. Your support MAKES a difference, because the doctors, nurses, and researchers at Dana Farber make a difference in people's lives.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
PAN MASS CHALLENGE 2013: WE'RE COMMITTED! Just when I doubted I should ride again...the reason for riding became clear. The Story of Logan Dunne and the Drummers...
When we ride the PMC we pass many groups of PMC fans who urge us on with our ride. Many of these roadside supporters have their own very personal stories.
Many PMC riders may recall, after descending Corn Hill in Truro, we make our way up Rt. 6 by the Truro Elementary School.
Stationed at the school, are ?The Drummers?. The Drummers are a group of family and friends of Logan Dunne, including Logan?s father Brian. They make a ton of noise and cheer us on as we ride by. They were there to support Logan?s challenge and let every PMC rider know how important what we do is to them.
Brian Dunne is also Bridget?s neighbor on Longnook Road, Truro.
In 2012, Kevin and I stopped to talk with Brian and the Drummer?s group of Logan?s supporters. Brian had asked if I had ever visited Dana Farber and I have not. He said it is such a special place where he has spend many months, days, and hours with is son, Logan who had neuroblastoma.
Bridget called the other night to say that on January 4th, Brian?s son Logan had passed away. So here we are again. Committed more than ever to help find a cure. I am excited the Bridget will join Kevin and me andTeam Deb this year to ride the PMC 2013.
Please support our ride with a donation today. Dana Farber and many cancer patients are counting on us to help find a cure. Thank you.
The Pan Mass Challege continues its legacy as one of the most effective fundraisers for cancer. One hundred percent of all funds raised by each rider go towards cancer research and care at the Dana Farber Institute. In 2011, the PMC raised over $35 million for this important cause. Kevin and I believe that by particpating in the PMC we can help fight this terrible disease that so many families, including ours, have suffered from. We hope you will join us once again, or for the first time, in support of our ride by donating to the PMC. Thank you for your help in making a difference to many cancer patients that will benefit from the care and research at Dana Farber Institute. Thanks for your support. Kathy and Kevin Macdonald PAN MASS CHALLENGE 2011 Kevin and I are riding the PAN MASS CHALLENGE in AUGUST 2011 and with your help we will reach our $8, 400 fundraising goal. Everyone knows someone that has been affected by this deadly disease. Our loved ones who died from cancer--my mother, Kevin's brother, and our sister-in-law, Debbie Teplow, as well as other friends-- we still hold their memories dear to us. But now is the time to help others. And that is what this ride and this commitment is all about. By donating to the PMC, you help with cancer treatment and the research to find a cure for cancer. Riding not only raises important revenue for the Dana Farber Institute, but additionally raises awareness of the continued need fight cancer. Last year, TEAM DEB raised over $89,000 for the PMC. We are proud to report that 100% of all rider donations support to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute to cancer research and treatment. Please join our challenge and help us raise donations for Dana Farber, once again. Thank you in advance. Kathy and Kevin 2011 PAN MASS CHALLENGE 2010 Kevin and I successfully completed the 2010 Pan Mass Challenge with our fellow TEAM DEB members. It was a great experience. A moving conversation with people who care deeply about helping other families with the fight against cancer. Thank you to our supporters and our Teplow-Macdonald support team. We still need donations, so please spread the word to make a donation before the end of September. Kevin and I will ride the PAN MASS CHALLENGE in 2010 to help raise awareness and donations to fight cancer. As the years pass by from when our loved ones died from cancer--my mother, Kevin's brother, and our sister-in-law, Debbie Teplow, as well as other friends-- we still hold their memories dear to us and continue to feel the need to help others with this deadly disease. We hope you will join our challenge and help us raise donations for Dana Farber, once again. Last year, TEAM DEB raised over $75,000 for the PMC. We are proud to report that 100% of all rider donations goes to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute to cancer research and treatment. Thank you in advance for your help. 2009 The Fight Against Cancer Continues..
October 2009 Thank you to all our supporters for sponsoring Kevin and me and helping us reach our PMC total goal of $8,400+. We rode on TEAM DEB with nine other dedicated riders in memory of Debbie Teplow. Through the PMC, 100% of your donations go to the Dana Farber Institute for cancer research and treatment. Thank you again for your generosity. Kathy & Kevin January 2009 Kevin and I are asking for your sponsorship of our 2009 Pan Massachusetts Challenge bike ride to raise funds for cancer research and treatment at the Dana Farber Institute. Last year, the Pan Massachusetts Challenge raised $35 million. We are proud to report that 100% of all rider donations went directly to the Jimmy Fund.
Participating in the PMC to help raise awareness and funding for cancer research is an honor for us. It is a small way to contribute to fighting a disease that has affected so many lives. Since 1980, the PMC has raised nearly $240 million for cancer research and treatment at Dana-Farber.
Cancer has touched the lives of each and every one of us. Some of us have battled cancer ourselves, some have loved ones and friends who have had or been lost to cancer. In 2007 we lost several loved ones to cancer.Kathy's mother, Dorothy, our sister-in-law, Debbie, and a very close friend, Norma.
Please join us in supporting the effort to find a cure for cancer by sponsoring either my PMC Ride or Kevin's. We know that financial circumstances are difficult this year...but cancer research and treatment must continue. Please join us in the fight against caner and support our ride.
Thank you. Kathy and Kevin
Read on -your donations fuel the fight against cancer
October 2008
Kevin and I successfully completed the 2008 Pan Mass Challenge. This was my second year riding, and Kevin's first. Together with our supporters, we raised over $8,000 for cancer research and treatment at the Dana Farber Institute. Thank you again to all our supporters who donated to this most worthy cause. Any thank you to the Teplow team for their support.
Kathy & Kevin
July 2008
Kevin and I are approaching our 1200 mile training mark for the Pan Mass Challenge. We are honored to do this ride to raise awareness and donations for the Jimmy Fund and the Dana Faber Institute. Thanks again to all my supporters...I really appreciate your help in reaching my fundraising goal!
Thanks again. Kathy
January 3, 2008, Wellesley, MA
I am excited to participate again in the Pan Massachusetts Challenge fundraiser to raise donations for Dana Farber and the Jimmy Fund. The road ahead of training and fund raising has just begun...and I look forward to your continued support. Kevin is joining the PMC this year and we will be training together.
Thanks in advance for your support!
Kathy Macdonald
August 5, 2007: Provincetown, MA
Thank you to all my sponsors. Through your generous donations I have raised over $6,600 for cancer research and treatment at the Dana Farber Institute. See my story below...RIDING FOR DEBBIE.
The PMC was a terrific experience. Many people lined the roads thanking the riders and cheering us on. I finished the 163-mile, two-day ride to Provincetown in 13 hours, averaging around 12.5 miles per hours. Since January, I trained over 1,200 miles, and in July alone, I rode 445 miles...before work, on the route on weekends...with my husband Kevin as coach.
The unexpected pleasure of it all...was to be on the roads on a bike, heading out into the country and enjoying the scenery and the day.
Prologue: August 4, 2007: Cancer has taken the lives of three loved ones this year: On April 7, 2007, my sister-in-law, Debbie Teplow passed away from brain cancer , on February 12, 2007, my mother, Dorothy W. Korn, passed away from kidney cancer, and on July 30, 2007 my step mom Norma Mead died from cancer. Now I ride the Pan Mass Challenge in their memory.
My sister-in-law, Debbie Teplow, was diagnosed with brain cancer in May of 2006. Debbie's 11-month battle with cancer and the support of her husband, family and friends was remarkable. Debbie and Jim have four lovely children. A psychologist, Debbie had spent her career helping others. A warm and caring person, we loved her very much. When someone you care about so deeply becomes diagnosed with cancer, there is a sense of helplessness. It was difficult to see the suffering that she was going through and the difficulty of the situation for her family.
Cancer has touched the lives of many of us. My mother had breast and kidney cancer. My husband's older brother, Brian, died of primary liver cancer in 1980, the same year that my son was born. Our Brian is named for his uncle.
Riding in memory of Debbie and participating in the PMC to help raise awareness and donations for cancer research is an honor for me. Thank you for joining me in the fight against cancer.
Sincerely, Kathy
Dear Friends and Supporters,
2004 is an extraordinary year for the Pan-Mass Challenge. PMC is on course to reach $1 Billion in lifetime donations to Dana Farber!
It's my 18th year and Kevin’s 17th year, riding in the PMC for Team Deb and all cancer patients. Research, new innovations in treatment, and care are made possible with your help.
Every dollar donated goes directly to cancer research and care at Dana Farber.
Please help us with a generous donation this year!
Thank you for all your support of Dana Farber and the PMC.
Kathy & Kevin
Dear Friends and Supporters,
Thank you all for your wonderful support in 2022. With your support I raised $9,000 and I reached the Heavy Hitter status! Simply put, every dollar raised went directly to Dana Farber for research and care for cancer patients. Thank you so much!!
This year, Kevin and I are riding a REIMAGINED RIDE. This means we will do a route and day of our choice, hopefully avoiding the sweltering weather of 2022! 2022 will be my 17th year and Kevin's 16th year riding the PMC on TEAM DEB.
Remember, 100% of your donation goes to Dana Farber. Please be generous and help support our other Team Deb riders.
Thank you in advance.
Kathy & Kevin
Dear Friends and Supporters,
After a year of getting slowly back to normal, we are thrilled to be riding with the wider group in support of the Pan-Mass Challenge.
Cancer continues to impact the globe, with over ten million people dying from cancer every year. A staggering statistic.
Kevin and I are more committed than ever to helping with this terrible disease. We are riding the Wellesley-Bourne ride of the PMC, raising funds for cancer research and treatment.
Please join us once again and support our treatment at Dana Faber. This will be my sixteenth year and Kevin’s fifteen year supporting this very important cause.
100% of your donation goes to Dana Farber.
Thank you in advance.
Dide in August. |
Thank you in advance.
Please donate online:
PAN MASS CHALLENGE 2021: A year of hope for vaccinating against the Coronavirus!
Dear Friends and Supporters,
One year ago, my message included “I hope a vaccine is found for Covid”. Today, I hope you and your families are vaccinated and doing well as summer 2021 approaches. What a sad toll the coronavirus has taken on families across America and the world.
Cancer continues to impact the globe, with over ten million people dying from cancer every year. A staggering statistic.
Kevin and I are more committed than ever to help with this terrible disease. We will do our own ride via the PMC and continue to raise funds for cancer research and treatment at Dana Faber. Kevin and I will ride with Bridget and Justin, and continue our efforts to raise donations. 100% of your donation goes to Dana Farber.
We understand there are many needs today, but if you can make even as small donation to the PMC in our fight against cancer, we would appreciate it.
Deb Teplow-our inspiration for TEAM DEB |
Please join us once again and support our ride in August.
Thank you in advance.
Kathy & Kevin
Please donate online:
Pan-Mass Challenge 2020: An Unusual Year
I hope you and your families are safe and well from COVID-19. The pandemic has been devastating to families and their loved ones. By working together, I hope we can diminish the impact of this virus until a vaccine is found.
As you probably have guessed, the organized ride of the PMC has been canceled this year. While not riding together physically, the group will ride in the spirit of the PMC and continue to raise funds for cancer research and treatment at Dana Farbar. Kev and I will ride in Western Mass with Bridget and Justin, and continue our efforts to raise donations. 100% of your donation goes to Dana Farber. I understand there are many needs today, but if you can make even as small donation to the PMC in our fight against cancer, I would really appreciate it. Thank you. Kathy
Kevin and I are more dedicated than ever to ride on our 12th and 13th PMC. Your support of the PMC has made it possible for research and treatment at Dana Farber. Family members and friends are battling cancer as I write this letter. We will be thinking of them as we ride and the many others who are suffering from this terrible disease. Please join me once again and support my ride in August. One hundred percent of your donation goes straight to Dana Farber!
Thank you in advance for your support. Kathy & Kevin
PAN MASS CHALLENGE 2018: Kevin and I are more dedicated than ever to ride on our 11th and 12th PMC. Two of our friends are battling cancer as I write this letter. We will be thinking of them as we ride and the many others who are suffering from this terrible disease. Please join me once again and support my ride in August. Thank you in advance for your support.
PAN MASS CHALLENGE 2017: I received my 10 year sticker in the mail this fall...and although the goal is much higher for riders this year, I just can't say no. The need continues to be greater. So please join me on this ride to obliterate cancer and please give as generously as possible. Thank you so much for your continued support. Together, WE are making a difference. Kathy and Kevin.
PAN MASS CHALLENGE 2016: Kevin and I are riding again...this is my 10th year and Kevin's 9th, riding to help raise money for cancer research and care. With your support we will fight cancer together and help the many families dealing with this terrible disease. Please make your donation today!
PAN MASS CHALLENGE 2015 Kevin and I will be riding from Wellesley to Provincetown this year with Team Deb. The need never changes to help raise funds for cancer treatment and research at Dana Farber, and we are committee to fundraising through the PMC for this worthly endeavor. Please support our ride with a donation today. Thank you in advance for your help. Kathy PAN MASS Challenge 2014-My brother' treatment at Dana Farber
The year 2014 began with my brother's diagnose of Multiple Myeloma, unfortunately becoming a reality. Chemo to stop its progression was no longer working. A longer term fix was in order...John's oncologist recommended a stem cell transplant. And, there was only one place to go...Dana Farber.
Traveling from his home in Connecticut to Boston, John and his wife Adrienne took up residence with us in Wellesley during the pre- transplant tests and procedures. A grueling schedule, followed by being admitted, and terrible chemo and sickness, and the transplants. John has great spirit and patience. After 16 days in the hospital, losing 20 pounds, he was finally sent home for 3 months in isolation.
After two days home, John was admitted to the local hospital because he couldn't walk. Six days later, he was taken by ambulance to Dana Farber. It turned out he had blood clots in his leg and foot. One week later he was released for home again. It's going to be a long year for John. But the wonderful doctors and nurses at Dana Farber hopefully have given him a new lease on life.
I am so proud of my brother for being so brave. I am also so very proud all our PMC donors who have helped my brother and others over these past 9 years. Your support MAKES a difference, because the doctors, nurses, and researchers at Dana Farber make a difference in people's lives.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
PAN MASS CHALLENGE 2013: WE'RE COMMITTED! Just when I doubted I should ride again...the reason for riding became clear. The Story of Logan Dunne and the Drummers...
When we ride the PMC we pass many groups of PMC fans who urge us on with our ride. Many of these roadside supporters have their own very personal stories.
Many PMC riders may recall, after descending Corn Hill in Truro, we make our way up Rt. 6 by the Truro Elementary School.
Stationed at the school, are ?The Drummers?. The Drummers are a group of family and friends of Logan Dunne, including Logan?s father Brian. They make a ton of noise and cheer us on as we ride by. They were there to support Logan?s challenge and let every PMC rider know how important what we do is to them.
Brian Dunne is also Bridget?s neighbor on Longnook Road, Truro.
In 2012, Kevin and I stopped to talk with Brian and the Drummer?s group of Logan?s supporters. Brian had asked if I had ever visited Dana Farber and I have not. He said it is such a special place where he has spend many months, days, and hours with is son, Logan who had neuroblastoma.
Bridget called the other night to say that on January 4th, Brian?s son Logan had passed away. So here we are again. Committed more than ever to help find a cure. I am excited the Bridget will join Kevin and me andTeam Deb this year to ride the PMC 2013.
Please support our ride with a donation today. Dana Farber and many cancer patients are counting on us to help find a cure. Thank you.
The Pan Mass Challege continues its legacy as one of the most effective fundraisers for cancer. One hundred percent of all funds raised by each rider go towards cancer research and care at the Dana Farber Institute. In 2011, the PMC raised over $35 million for this important cause. Kevin and I believe that by particpating in the PMC we can help fight this terrible disease that so many families, including ours, have suffered from. We hope you will join us once again, or for the first time, in support of our ride by donating to the PMC. Thank you for your help in making a difference to many cancer patients that will benefit from the care and research at Dana Farber Institute. Thanks for your support. Kathy and Kevin Macdonald PAN MASS CHALLENGE 2011 Kevin and I are riding the PAN MASS CHALLENGE in AUGUST 2011 and with your help we will reach our $8, 400 fundraising goal. Everyone knows someone that has been affected by this deadly disease. Our loved ones who died from cancer--my mother, Kevin's brother, and our sister-in-law, Debbie Teplow, as well as other friends-- we still hold their memories dear to us. But now is the time to help others. And that is what this ride and this commitment is all about. By donating to the PMC, you help with cancer treatment and the research to find a cure for cancer. Riding not only raises important revenue for the Dana Farber Institute, but additionally raises awareness of the continued need fight cancer. Last year, TEAM DEB raised over $89,000 for the PMC. We are proud to report that 100% of all rider donations support to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute to cancer research and treatment. Please join our challenge and help us raise donations for Dana Farber, once again. Thank you in advance. Kathy and Kevin 2011 PAN MASS CHALLENGE 2010 Kevin and I successfully completed the 2010 Pan Mass Challenge with our fellow TEAM DEB members. It was a great experience. A moving conversation with people who care deeply about helping other families with the fight against cancer. Thank you to our supporters and our Teplow-Macdonald support team. We still need donations, so please spread the word to make a donation before the end of September. Kevin and I will ride the PAN MASS CHALLENGE in 2010 to help raise awareness and donations to fight cancer. As the years pass by from when our loved ones died from cancer--my mother, Kevin's brother, and our sister-in-law, Debbie Teplow, as well as other friends-- we still hold their memories dear to us and continue to feel the need to help others with this deadly disease. We hope you will join our challenge and help us raise donations for Dana Farber, once again. Last year, TEAM DEB raised over $75,000 for the PMC. We are proud to report that 100% of all rider donations goes to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute to cancer research and treatment. Thank you in advance for your help. 2009 The Fight Against Cancer Continues..
October 2009 Thank you to all our supporters for sponsoring Kevin and me and helping us reach our PMC total goal of $8,400+. We rode on TEAM DEB with nine other dedicated riders in memory of Debbie Teplow. Through the PMC, 100% of your donations go to the Dana Farber Institute for cancer research and treatment. Thank you again for your generosity. Kathy & Kevin January 2009 Kevin and I are asking for your sponsorship of our 2009 Pan Massachusetts Challenge bike ride to raise funds for cancer research and treatment at the Dana Farber Institute. Last year, the Pan Massachusetts Challenge raised $35 million. We are proud to report that 100% of all rider donations went directly to the Jimmy Fund.
Participating in the PMC to help raise awareness and funding for cancer research is an honor for us. It is a small way to contribute to fighting a disease that has affected so many lives. Since 1980, the PMC has raised nearly $240 million for cancer research and treatment at Dana-Farber.
Cancer has touched the lives of each and every one of us. Some of us have battled cancer ourselves, some have loved ones and friends who have had or been lost to cancer. In 2007 we lost several loved ones to cancer.Kathy's mother, Dorothy, our sister-in-law, Debbie, and a very close friend, Norma.
Please join us in supporting the effort to find a cure for cancer by sponsoring either my PMC Ride or Kevin's. We know that financial circumstances are difficult this year...but cancer research and treatment must continue. Please join us in the fight against caner and support our ride.
Thank you. Kathy and Kevin
Read on -your donations fuel the fight against cancer
October 2008
Kevin and I successfully completed the 2008 Pan Mass Challenge. This was my second year riding, and Kevin's first. Together with our supporters, we raised over $8,000 for cancer research and treatment at the Dana Farber Institute. Thank you again to all our supporters who donated to this most worthy cause. Any thank you to the Teplow team for their support.
Kathy & Kevin
July 2008
Kevin and I are approaching our 1200 mile training mark for the Pan Mass Challenge. We are honored to do this ride to raise awareness and donations for the Jimmy Fund and the Dana Faber Institute. Thanks again to all my supporters...I really appreciate your help in reaching my fundraising goal!
Thanks again. Kathy
January 3, 2008, Wellesley, MA
I am excited to participate again in the Pan Massachusetts Challenge fundraiser to raise donations for Dana Farber and the Jimmy Fund. The road ahead of training and fund raising has just begun...and I look forward to your continued support. Kevin is joining the PMC this year and we will be training together.
Thanks in advance for your support!
Kathy Macdonald
August 5, 2007: Provincetown, MA
Thank you to all my sponsors. Through your generous donations I have raised over $6,600 for cancer research and treatment at the Dana Farber Institute. See my story below...RIDING FOR DEBBIE.
The PMC was a terrific experience. Many people lined the roads thanking the riders and cheering us on. I finished the 163-mile, two-day ride to Provincetown in 13 hours, averaging around 12.5 miles per hours. Since January, I trained over 1,200 miles, and in July alone, I rode 445 miles...before work, on the route on weekends...with my husband Kevin as coach.
The unexpected pleasure of it all...was to be on the roads on a bike, heading out into the country and enjoying the scenery and the day.
Prologue: August 4, 2007: Cancer has taken the lives of three loved ones this year: On April 7, 2007, my sister-in-law, Debbie Teplow passed away from brain cancer , on February 12, 2007, my mother, Dorothy W. Korn, passed away from kidney cancer, and on July 30, 2007 my step mom Norma Mead died from cancer. Now I ride the Pan Mass Challenge in their memory.
My sister-in-law, Debbie Teplow, was diagnosed with brain cancer in May of 2006. Debbie's 11-month battle with cancer and the support of her husband, family and friends was remarkable. Debbie and Jim have four lovely children. A psychologist, Debbie had spent her career helping others. A warm and caring person, we loved her very much. When someone you care about so deeply becomes diagnosed with cancer, there is a sense of helplessness. It was difficult to see the suffering that she was going through and the difficulty of the situation for her family.
Cancer has touched the lives of many of us. My mother had breast and kidney cancer. My husband's older brother, Brian, died of primary liver cancer in 1980, the same year that my son was born. Our Brian is named for his uncle.
Riding in memory of Debbie and participating in the PMC to help raise awareness and donations for cancer research is an honor for me. Thank you for joining me in the fight against cancer.
Sincerely, Kathy
I have chosen to keep all of my donors' information confidential; therefore it is not displayed on my PMC public donor list.
2024 | $4,580.00 | Reimagined |
2023 | $10,000.00 | Reimagined |
2022 | $9,500.00 | Wellesley to Bourne (1-Day, Sat) |
2021 | $9,000.00 | Reimagined |
2020 | $3,285.00 | Wellesley to Bourne (1-Day, Sat) |
2019 | $5,075.00 | Wellesley to Provincetown Inn (2-Day) |
2018 | $4,900.00 | Wellesley to Provincetown Inn (2-Day) |
2017 | $4,800.00 | Wellesley to Provincetown Inn (2-Day) |
2016 | $4,550.00 | Wellesley to Provincetown Inn (2-Day) |
$0.00 | The Resolution by PMC | |
2015 | $7,200.00 | Wellesley to Provincetown Inn (2-Day) |
2014 | $3,110.00 | PMC Rider |
2013 | $4,300.00 | Wellesley to Provincetown Inn (2-Day) |
2012 | $6,500.00 | Wellesley to Provincetown Inn (2-Day) |
2011 | $6,400.00 | Wellesley to Provincetown Inn (2-Day) |
2010 | $4,200.00 | Wellesley to Provincetown Inn (2-Day) |
2009 | $4,210.00 | Wellesley to Provincetown Inn (2-Day) |
2008 | $4,451.34 | Wellesley to Provincetown Inn (2-Day) |
2007 | $6,625.00 | Wellesley to Provincetown Inn (2-Day) |