To my supporters and friends, I am grateful especially this year with all the losses and breakthroughs during this Covid pandemic. I am able to ride and help some with my fund rasing and energy. The Targeted custom treatments are evidence this works. Please support my fund raising effort to eliminate cancer.
Each year, American Cancer Society researchers include a special section in Cancer Facts & Figures highlighting a specific timely cancer-related topic. This year, the topic is COVID-19 and cancer. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused reduced access to care for other illnesses, including cancer. This has led to delays in cancer screening, diagnosis, and treatment.
Even as access to care improves, people may continue to wait to see their doctors for preventive care or an evaluation of symptoms because they’ve lost their jobs due to COVID-19 (including their work-based health insurance) or are afraid they will expose themselves to the virus. This delayed care is expected to result in a brief drop in cancer diagnoses, followed in the years to come by a rise in late-stage diagnoses and cancer deaths.
Also, habits that can increase cancer risk, such as drinking alcohol, not staying physically active, and weight gain, have increased during the pandemic and may lead to long-term health problems.
We will not know the full impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on future cancer outcomes until nationwide data become available in a few years.
Each year I have compelling reasons to raise money through this force to improve the survival rate for those diagnosed with cancer who are young, or all stages of life. I'm riding for Patty an athlete and friend. This is the most successful fund raising event with all proceeds directly going to support the cause to eliminate cancers. #1.
Wouldn't it be great to elminate the 500 plus variations of cancer? Research, funded by the PMC and Dana Farber is helping to make it happen.
If you are able to give, and sponsoring my ride can fit in with your donation plans this year, you can either click on the link to donate electronically (and securely). Suggested donations range from $50 -$2,500. (Check into corporate matching too) Every bit helps- and thank you for considering a good thing to do and because the person who feels the effects could be you.