Craig Schmidt SR's PMC
Craig Schmidt SR's PMC
MY PMC Total
Presented by

PMC ID - CS0626
PMC ID - CS0626
My Supporters
Andrea Petrokonis Great cause to ride for!
Maria Petrulla Good Luck
$25.00 |
Diane Fusco Wishing you a safe ride Craig, for such a worthy cause
$50.00 |
Bob Galowich Riding for a great cause is the best combination! Hope you have a great time (and if the stars lineup maybe I will be able to join you and Peter).
$100.00 |
Joann Schlienz Thank you Craig for your devotion , your motivation and your personal
$100.00 |
John Gueli Ride safe and strong for the cause! Your efforts are appreciated and impactful.
$250.00 |
Nivedita Kohli Go Craig!
$100.00 |
Caroline Zeind Sending my very best wishes and will be cheering you on for this wonderful cause!
$1,000.00 |
My History
2025 |
$1,650.00 |
Sturbridge to Provincetown Inn (2-Day) |