
My Supporters

Andrea Petrokonis

Great cause to ride for!

Maria Petrulla

Good Luck

Diane Fusco

Wishing you a safe ride Craig, for such a worthy cause

Bob Galowich

Riding for a great cause is the best combination! Hope you have a great time (and if the stars lineup maybe I will be able to join you and Peter).

Joann Schlienz

Thank you Craig for your devotion , your motivation and your personal Compassion!

John Gueli

Ride safe and strong for the cause! Your efforts are appreciated and impactful.

Nivedita Kohli

Go Craig!

Caroline Zeind

Sending my very best wishes and will be cheering you on for this wonderful cause!


My History

2025 $1,650.00 Sturbridge to Provincetown Inn (2-Day)