I'm a survivor.
It will be 10 years since my diagnosis in May 2025. After multiple surgeries, I have been cancer free since 2020. I will be honoring my journey by completing one of the biggest challenges I have faced since my diagnosis of Breast Cancer in 2015. I’m going to ride the Pan Mass Challenge this August (for the 3rd time) - pedaling my bicycle 192 miles in 2 days. I will be riding with Team Velominati, alongside the man who has loved me throughout my entire journey, my husband Dave Caton, as well as friends who have lost loved ones to this terrible disease. I'm honored to be part of this team and couldn't do this without them!
I have always been a physically active person - For years, I loved to run and compete in triathlons. Bad knees shifted that passion to cycling and weight lifting. The mastectomy and reconstructive surgeries stopped me cold for almost a year. Top that off with medication that has had some difficult side effects and the new me emerged. In light of these changes I made the very conscious decision to not let cancer define who I had become. I had to start from scratch and rebuild my strength and mental fortitude day by day and sometimes minute by minute.
But I’m one of the lucky ones. I tell my story because it's important to bring awareness to the fact that it can affect anyone. Thankfully, I’m still here. I've lost friends from this terrible disease, and I'm hoping they will be along side me (giving me a little psuh) as I ride with them in my heart.
Why ride in the Pan Mass Challenge? To raise money for the Dana-Faber Cancer Institute in Boston, MA, where they conduct cutting edge cancer research and treat children and adults with cancer. Dana-Farber Cancer Institute's ultimate goal is the eradication of cancer, AIDS, and related diseases and the fear that they engender. Above all else, they make a difference by relieving the burden of disease now and for the future through research, clinical care, education, outreach and advocacy.
I have to raise $6,000 in order to participate in this year’s Challenge. That’s a huge sum of money. I need your help. Please donate ANY AMOUNT of money that you feel comfortable with. Please share my story with your friends and family to help me reach my goal.
I’ll keep you posted as I move forward.
Thanks so much in advance.
With Love and Gratitude,