I took this picture on June 25th, 2024 when Ellie joined me for the final 13 miles of my 100-mile ride. 13 miles for 13 years of Pan-Mass Challenge rides. Ellie's passion for the bike was born in part of our family commitment to the Pan-Mass Challenge. The PMC conversation is prevalent in our home and we often discuss how our PMC pedal strokes are part of something much bigger. Since my first ride in 2012, we have raised $103,122 from over 270 individual donors. Okay, I'll admit it, I am proud of reaching the $100k mark. I am particularly proud of having the support of over 270 individual donors - a dually somber and encouraging reminder of cancer's impact.
Join me in this fight against cancer because "together, we can make cancer history." Every penny you donate goes directly to the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
With Hope,
Tyler Steffey
Donate from a Fidelity Donor Advised Fund
------------------------------------------------PMC 2023--------------------------------
Greetings Family and Friends,
It is my 12th year participating in the Pan-Mass Challenge! To celebrate this milestone, Ellie and I set off a few days ago on a 12-mile ride*. It was one of her longest. She rode strong. We howled on the down hills. She followed the rules of the road. We ate a lot of ice cream! Her passion for the bike was born in part of our family commitment to the Pan-Mass Challenge. This conversation is prevalent in our home and Ellie understands how impactful this effort is and how our PMC pedal strokes are part of something much bigger.
Since my first ride in 2012, we have all raised $95,685 for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. That means we are $4,315 short of hitting the $100,000 mark. This dollar milestone represents 260 individual donations in the past 12 years. That is amazing! As always, every penny you donate goes directly to the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
Join me in this fight against cancer because together, we can make cancer history.
With Hope,
*: Ellie would like you to know that it was actually 12.55 miles! ;-)
-----------------------------------------August 2022------------------------------------
Every year my focus shifts as the PMC draws near. This year, my focus is on my two newest PMC teammates, Ellie & Nico Steffey. Both worked hard to raise their minimums, trained on the bike, and completed their second kids PMC. It was joyful. It was painful. It was inspiring. While they do not fully understand how impactful their efforts are in making cancer history, they do comprehend that they are part of something bigger. Something that may make for a brighter future. THAT, my family and friends, is awesome.
This year I'm riding in my 10th Pan-Mass Challenge. As always, every penny you donate goes directly to the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. In the last decade, you have helped me to raise $86,750. My goal this year is to reach 100k. Join me in this fight against cancer because together, we can make cancer history.
With Hope,
-------------------------------------------------------- August 2022 ----------------------------------------------------
Amanda Gorman, the Nation's first Inaugural Youth Poet Laureate, declared in her moving poem The Hill We Climb, even as we grieved, we grew. This year's PMC represents a new stage of cycling for me. This year, I plan to focus on the GROWTH I have experienced from the deep grief of loss I have experienced. I plan to draw strength from the access and privilege I have, rather than from what I don't have or what & whom I have lost.
This year I ride with renewed conviction and hopeful resolve that we are battling and winning the fight against cancer. As always, I ride with my Mom, Beth, and my sister, Katherine in my heart. I ride with Pete's humility and Jeff's modest strength. I proudly ride with my team, Team Kinetic Karma, for my 10th Pan-Mass Challenge.
Thank you for your consistent support and thank you for joining me in this cause for hope!
With Love and Appreciation,
------------------------------------------------------------------------------PMC, AUGUST 2020------------------------------------
One year ago today, February 23rd, 2019, my sister Katherine lost her short battle with cancer. Her battle, while brief, was exemplified by the same grit, humor, strength, and positivity by which she lived her life. She is missed every. single. day.
While at times it does feel hard to believe we are collectively winning the fight against cancer, I am uplifted by the research and results of the amazing medical staff at the Dana-Farber Cancer Insitute:
These results mean our children WILL live in a more cancer free world, and damnit, I'll ride 200 miles for that ten times over. Join me in this fight against cancer to ensure a more cancer-free world for generations to come.
In 2019, through 118 individual/family donations we raised $13,900. In nine years of riding and contributing to the PMC we have raised $67,400. This year we will eclipse the $75,000 mark! Let's get there and make cancer history.
With Love and Appreciation,
-----------------------------------------PMC, AUGUST 2019------------------------------------
On February 23rd, 2019, my sister Katherine Steffey, passed away peacefully surrounded by family and song. (Katherine's obituary is linked below.) 25 days from diagnosis to death. That was one year ago. Having lost four family members in less than ten years and a sister and mom in the last 3, all to cancer, at times it does not feel like we as a collective are winning the battle against cancer.
If riding the PMC for my 8th year, having raised just shy of $55,000.00, means that Dr. Enzinger gets the resources she needs to work with families in need of gentle honesty, I am all in. If supporting the Dana-Farber by riding in the Pan-Mass Challenge means that my children may grow up in a more cancer-free world…I am ALL. IN.
Join me in this fight again Cancer. Join me in supporting Dr. Enzinger. Join me in riding in honor of Jeff Rees, Peter Bates, and Beth & Katherine Steffey.
With Love, Tyler Steffey
Katherine's Obituary: https://www.eatonfuneralhomes.com/notices/Katherine-Steffey
-------------------------------PMC, AUGUST 2018------------------------------------
As with every year, I struggle to put my story into words. It's very emotional. I'm on year 7 of the PMC. It is heart-wrenching therapy. Since I became a member of the PMC family, we have lost 3 parents - Jeff, Pete, and Beth.
As a young hockey player, Mom used to always say at the last possible moment, skate like the wind. While our activities evolved, her encourgament stayed the same - like everything she did - consistent, subtle, supportive. It is quite possible that two years ago, hours before the PMC was to begin, and two days before her sudden death, Mom's last words to me were Ride like the wind. I'm doing it, Mom. I'm riding.
Please consider joining our team in this battle against cancer.
Tyler Steffey
----------------------------------PMC, AUGUST 2017-----------------------------------
Every year I ride the PMC I am humbled by the riders and volunteers who belong to a group called 'Living Proof.' These incredible individuals have battled or are battling with Cancer. There is an annual Living Proof picture taken at the half-way mark of the ride - there are hugs and tears and smiles and buttons - Living Proof buttons. Last year I asked if I could have a button to give to my Mom. I kept the button dutifully attached to my jersey for the last 90 miles of the ride. Upon arrival back to Boston I fastened the button to the visor of my car and bought a card to give her. When I arrived home from the card store, I received a phone call from my Aunt...Mom had passed away. In January of this year, our Pete passed away. His battle with glioblastoma was formidable. He was positive, sweet, and kept that twinkle in his youthful eye until the end. His service was a beautiful tribute of music and stories.
To date I've tried to write this blurb 6 times. This is the best I can do this year. The void and pain and confusion left behind inside of me is too much to be more descriptive or eloquent. You all knew my mom. She probably wouldn't want the attention anyway.
Please join me in this fight to end Cancer.
With Love & Appreciation,
Tyler, Joanna, Ellie, and Nico
----------------------------------PMC, AUGUST 2016-----------------------------------
Every year I sit down to write my personal account of why I ride the Pan Mass Challenge and every year I face the delicate balance of hope and inspiration with disappointment and despair. Who since last year’s PMC has been diagnosed or has died? Who has received treatment? What trials are working? Who is fighting? What are the margins? The list of questions goes on...
Last year I was angry at cancer. I was angry because of the news of our dear Pete. As anticipated, he is waging a formidable fight against glioblastoma. He is receiving treatment at Dana Farber and is supported by his family and friends. The Dana Farber is where my mother endured 14 months of radiation and chemotherapy and it is where my father-in-law, Jeff Rees, was treated for 8 months before losing his battle at the age of 58.
This year I ride for you, Susie Sargent. I run by your house weekly and reflect fondly on the time I spent romping around your home with GS as a young lad. I sat in your garden last week with David and watched as your grandkids played among your meticulous perennials. Your joie-de-vivre lives strong!
While this year hope seems harder to conjure, my mom, Beth, our dear friend Anna, and our team captain, Dave Lafreniere serve as reminders of a few who have kicked cancer’s ass. You encourage me to pedal harder and to spread the word about the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. This year I ride with Jeff Rees in my heart. I ride with my mother’s calm resolve. I ride with Susie’s smile in my mind. I ride in hopes that our children may one day live in a cancer-free world.
Thank you for joining our team.
With Love,
Ellie, Joanna, Nico, and Tyler
I took this picture on June 25th, 2024 when Ellie joined me for the final 13 miles of my 100-mile ride. 13 miles for 13 years of Pan-Mass Challenge rides. Ellie's passion for the bike was born in part of our family commitment to the Pan-Mass Challenge. The PMC conversation is prevalent in our home and we often discuss how our PMC pedal strokes are part of something much bigger. Since my first ride in 2012, we have raised $103,122 from over 270 individual donors. Okay, I'll admit it, I am proud of reaching the $100k mark. I am particularly proud of having the support of over 270 individual donors - a dually somber and encouraging reminder of cancer's impact.
Join me in this fight against cancer because "together, we can make cancer history." Every penny you donate goes directly to the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
With Hope,
Tyler Steffey
Donate from a Fidelity Donor Advised Fund
------------------------------------------------PMC 2023--------------------------------
Greetings Family and Friends,
It is my 12th year participating in the Pan-Mass Challenge! To celebrate this milestone, Ellie and I set off a few days ago on a 12-mile ride*. It was one of her longest. She rode strong. We howled on the down hills. She followed the rules of the road. We ate a lot of ice cream! Her passion for the bike was born in part of our family commitment to the Pan-Mass Challenge. This conversation is prevalent in our home and Ellie understands how impactful this effort is and how our PMC pedal strokes are part of something much bigger.
Since my first ride in 2012, we have all raised $95,685 for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. That means we are $4,315 short of hitting the $100,000 mark. This dollar milestone represents 260 individual donations in the past 12 years. That is amazing! As always, every penny you donate goes directly to the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
Join me in this fight against cancer because together, we can make cancer history.
With Hope,
*: Ellie would like you to know that it was actually 12.55 miles! ;-)
-----------------------------------------August 2022------------------------------------
Every year my focus shifts as the PMC draws near. This year, my focus is on my two newest PMC teammates, Ellie & Nico Steffey. Both worked hard to raise their minimums, trained on the bike, and completed their second kids PMC. It was joyful. It was painful. It was inspiring. While they do not fully understand how impactful their efforts are in making cancer history, they do comprehend that they are part of something bigger. Something that may make for a brighter future. THAT, my family and friends, is awesome.
This year I'm riding in my 10th Pan-Mass Challenge. As always, every penny you donate goes directly to the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. In the last decade, you have helped me to raise $86,750. My goal this year is to reach 100k. Join me in this fight against cancer because together, we can make cancer history.
With Hope,
-------------------------------------------------------- August 2022 ----------------------------------------------------
Amanda Gorman, the Nation's first Inaugural Youth Poet Laureate, declared in her moving poem The Hill We Climb, even as we grieved, we grew. This year's PMC represents a new stage of cycling for me. This year, I plan to focus on the GROWTH I have experienced from the deep grief of loss I have experienced. I plan to draw strength from the access and privilege I have, rather than from what I don't have or what & whom I have lost.
This year I ride with renewed conviction and hopeful resolve that we are battling and winning the fight against cancer. As always, I ride with my Mom, Beth, and my sister, Katherine in my heart. I ride with Pete's humility and Jeff's modest strength. I proudly ride with my team, Team Kinetic Karma, for my 10th Pan-Mass Challenge.
Thank you for your consistent support and thank you for joining me in this cause for hope!
With Love and Appreciation,
------------------------------------------------------------------------------PMC, AUGUST 2020------------------------------------
One year ago today, February 23rd, 2019, my sister Katherine lost her short battle with cancer. Her battle, while brief, was exemplified by the same grit, humor, strength, and positivity by which she lived her life. She is missed every. single. day.
While at times it does feel hard to believe we are collectively winning the fight against cancer, I am uplifted by the research and results of the amazing medical staff at the Dana-Farber Cancer Insitute:
These results mean our children WILL live in a more cancer free world, and damnit, I'll ride 200 miles for that ten times over. Join me in this fight against cancer to ensure a more cancer-free world for generations to come.
In 2019, through 118 individual/family donations we raised $13,900. In nine years of riding and contributing to the PMC we have raised $67,400. This year we will eclipse the $75,000 mark! Let's get there and make cancer history.
With Love and Appreciation,
-----------------------------------------PMC, AUGUST 2019------------------------------------
On February 23rd, 2019, my sister Katherine Steffey, passed away peacefully surrounded by family and song. (Katherine's obituary is linked below.) 25 days from diagnosis to death. That was one year ago. Having lost four family members in less than ten years and a sister and mom in the last 3, all to cancer, at times it does not feel like we as a collective are winning the battle against cancer.
If riding the PMC for my 8th year, having raised just shy of $55,000.00, means that Dr. Enzinger gets the resources she needs to work with families in need of gentle honesty, I am all in. If supporting the Dana-Farber by riding in the Pan-Mass Challenge means that my children may grow up in a more cancer-free world…I am ALL. IN.
Join me in this fight again Cancer. Join me in supporting Dr. Enzinger. Join me in riding in honor of Jeff Rees, Peter Bates, and Beth & Katherine Steffey.
With Love, Tyler Steffey
Katherine's Obituary: https://www.eatonfuneralhomes.com/notices/Katherine-Steffey
-------------------------------PMC, AUGUST 2018------------------------------------
As with every year, I struggle to put my story into words. It's very emotional. I'm on year 7 of the PMC. It is heart-wrenching therapy. Since I became a member of the PMC family, we have lost 3 parents - Jeff, Pete, and Beth.
As a young hockey player, Mom used to always say at the last possible moment, skate like the wind. While our activities evolved, her encourgament stayed the same - like everything she did - consistent, subtle, supportive. It is quite possible that two years ago, hours before the PMC was to begin, and two days before her sudden death, Mom's last words to me were Ride like the wind. I'm doing it, Mom. I'm riding.
Please consider joining our team in this battle against cancer.
Tyler Steffey
----------------------------------PMC, AUGUST 2017-----------------------------------
Every year I ride the PMC I am humbled by the riders and volunteers who belong to a group called 'Living Proof.' These incredible individuals have battled or are battling with Cancer. There is an annual Living Proof picture taken at the half-way mark of the ride - there are hugs and tears and smiles and buttons - Living Proof buttons. Last year I asked if I could have a button to give to my Mom. I kept the button dutifully attached to my jersey for the last 90 miles of the ride. Upon arrival back to Boston I fastened the button to the visor of my car and bought a card to give her. When I arrived home from the card store, I received a phone call from my Aunt...Mom had passed away. In January of this year, our Pete passed away. His battle with glioblastoma was formidable. He was positive, sweet, and kept that twinkle in his youthful eye until the end. His service was a beautiful tribute of music and stories.
To date I've tried to write this blurb 6 times. This is the best I can do this year. The void and pain and confusion left behind inside of me is too much to be more descriptive or eloquent. You all knew my mom. She probably wouldn't want the attention anyway.
Please join me in this fight to end Cancer.
With Love & Appreciation,
Tyler, Joanna, Ellie, and Nico
----------------------------------PMC, AUGUST 2016-----------------------------------
Every year I sit down to write my personal account of why I ride the Pan Mass Challenge and every year I face the delicate balance of hope and inspiration with disappointment and despair. Who since last year’s PMC has been diagnosed or has died? Who has received treatment? What trials are working? Who is fighting? What are the margins? The list of questions goes on...
Last year I was angry at cancer. I was angry because of the news of our dear Pete. As anticipated, he is waging a formidable fight against glioblastoma. He is receiving treatment at Dana Farber and is supported by his family and friends. The Dana Farber is where my mother endured 14 months of radiation and chemotherapy and it is where my father-in-law, Jeff Rees, was treated for 8 months before losing his battle at the age of 58.
This year I ride for you, Susie Sargent. I run by your house weekly and reflect fondly on the time I spent romping around your home with GS as a young lad. I sat in your garden last week with David and watched as your grandkids played among your meticulous perennials. Your joie-de-vivre lives strong!
While this year hope seems harder to conjure, my mom, Beth, our dear friend Anna, and our team captain, Dave Lafreniere serve as reminders of a few who have kicked cancer’s ass. You encourage me to pedal harder and to spread the word about the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. This year I ride with Jeff Rees in my heart. I ride with my mother’s calm resolve. I ride with Susie’s smile in my mind. I ride in hopes that our children may one day live in a cancer-free world.
Thank you for joining our team.
With Love,
Ellie, Joanna, Nico, and Tyler
I have chosen to keep all of my donors' information confidential; therefore it is not displayed on my PMC public donor list.
2025 | $50.00 | Sturbridge to Provincetown Inn (2-Day) |
2024 | $10,031.45 | Wellesley to Provincetown Inn (2-Day) |
2023 | $7,387.00 | Wellesley to Provincetown Inn (2-Day) |
2022 | $9,025.00 | Wellesley to Bourne + Wellesley Century (2-Day) |
2021 | $9,888.14 | Wellesley to Bourne + Wellesley Century (2-Day) |
2020 | $9,322.00 | Wellesley to Provincetown Inn (2-Day) |
2019 | $13,981.41 | Sturbridge to Provincetown Inn (2-Day) |
2018 | $8,000.00 | Sturbridge to Provincetown Inn (2-Day) |
2017 | $12,000.00 | Sturbridge to Provincetown Inn (2-Day) |
2016 | $8,920.00 | Wellesley to Provincetown Inn (2-Day) |
2015 | $5,462.00 | Wellesley to Bourne (1-Day, Sat) |
2014 | $6,902.00 | Sturbridge to Provincetown Inn (2-Day) |
2013 | $6,700.00 | Sturbridge to Provincetown Monument (2-Day) |
2012 | $5,435.00 | Sturbridge to Provincetown Monument (2-Day) |