This summer, I'm proud to be participating in my second PMC with CRUS11TOUR team in honor of my friend Davey Hovey & his battle against Stage VI Gliobaustoma, an aggressive form of brain cancer. He was just 25 years old when he was diagnosed and fough bravely through multiple surgeries, seizures, and treatments as he had every intention of crushing his tumor. Sadly, Davey passed away after a courageous 16-month battle in February of 2017.
I'm lucky to be one of many, many people who called Davey a friend, teammate, or family member, and the impact of his life is felt every day in the communities he called home: St. Lawrence, Westminster, Simsbury, Boston, and our beloved Chatham. Davey's competitive spirit shined through in everything he did: on lacrosee fields and golf courses and hockey rinks, and brighter than ever during his battle against cancer. And its this competitive spirit that we'll be honoring in the PMC as we fight to make it to the finish line and, more importantly, continue our fight to cure cancer.
100% of the funds raised will be directed to brain cancer research and related entities at Dana Farber in the fight against Gliobaustoma. Please take a moment to make a contribution in honor of my friend Davey, and in support of me and our CRUS11TOUR team!
Lets crush it,