tom finigan's PMC
tom finigan's PMC
MY PMC Total
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PMC ID - TF0158
PMC ID - TF0158
Why I Ride ...
I am riding on Team DUNCAN in memory of my wife Duncan, together with our sons Alec, Cavan Duncan and Will. Team DUNCAN is captained by Dr. Phillip Poorvu of the Breast Oncology Center at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
100% of your donation will go to Dana-Farber Oncology Research.
Please consider supporting my ride.
Thank you,
Tom Finigan
Why I Ride ...
I am riding on Team DUNCAN in memory of my wife Duncan, together with our sons Alec, Cavan Duncan and Will. Team DUNCAN is captained by Dr. Phillip Poorvu of the Breast Oncology Center at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
100% of your donation will go to Dana-Farber Oncology Research.
Please consider supporting my ride.
Thank you,
Tom Finigan
My Supporters
I have chosen to keep all of my donors' information confidential; therefore it is not displayed on my PMC public donor list.