Dear Friends, For the Past six years I have committed to raising money for cancer researrch by riding in the 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 Pan-Mass challenge (PMC) This year will be a change for me as I volunteer instead of ride. I am having foot surgery in March with 12 weeks of recovery which leaves me no time to train.....believe me I'd rather ride!!! Hopefully my foot will finally be fixed and pain free. On the first weekend of August, over 6,000 cyclists will ride the PMC, an annual bike-a-thon that raises money for research and care at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) in Boston. PMC is an experience nothing short of incredible! My team, The Patriot Platelet Peddlers, contributes 100% of all money raised to Dr. Anderson of the Dana Farber Cancer Institute to research Multiple Myeloma. I am so grateful for the hard work, dedication and great strides Dr. Anderson is making towards Multiple Myeloma and feel fortunate that I am able to train and raise money for this worthy cause. Your donation is tax deductible and 100% will go to Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. Every donation brings us closer by the mile. Thank you,
Tracy Callahan Please donate to my ride by clicking one of these links: Donate $1,000 Donate $500 Donate $250 Donate $100 Donate $50 Donate $25 Make a donation of any amount Donate from a Fidelity Donor Advised Fund