Hello again to my family and friends!
This is my 7th time putting out a request to all of you to help support the research needed to hopefully find a cure for cancer. You've been so generous and my hope is that one day soon there will be a cure.
I am hopeful for several reasons. I have know quite a few people with cancer at this point in my life. Many of them are having good success with the treatments they have been on, including my Mom. Her cancer is not gone, but she is able to live a full life because of the immunotherapy treatment she was given. This would not have been an option not too long ago, so progress!
Another person is my friend Diane, the leader of our Lungstrong team. She continues to defy odds when it comes to lung cancer, and is in her 20th year battling the illness, and hopes new treaments are in the pipeline for her. This is where we come in.
The monies you donate to my ride are used to fund new cancer research. This is where the cure will come from. From smaller, outside of the box researchers working on innovative ideas on how to beat cancer. Often these doctors and scientist have a harder time getting the funds they need, so Lungstong is dedicated to helping them.
The money you donate will hopefully help the medical community at Dana Farber get closer to a cure, and utimately put a stop to this disease that affects so many people in all of our lives. Every penny you donate is used in this fight.
Thanks you for your time and continued commitment to this cause!