PMC 2025 - Registered and Ready to Ride for the 22nd Year and Crush Cancer with YOU, TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT and for THREE (3) PMCs too (I've registed for 2 of the 3 already!)
As you read this letter’s title, PMC 2025 and read it in January vs in later July, you may be asking, why is Sue (AKA Sweaty Sue) writing her letter at the start of the year instead of just a couple of weeks before the August two day biking event. It's a good question to ask and there are 3 reasons why this is the case and I've listed these 3 reasons below:
Reason 1: We are all impacted by cancer and so are all of the people we love. This impact does not just occur when the August two day event occurs either and I know that as you read this you will also agree this is the case. It happens each day of the year.
Reason 2: Research is essential to making new cancer treatment discoveries and for finding more cures, The results of research can be seen in clinical trials of new drugs and trials for improving cancer care for all those we know and love (and many who we may not even know.)
Reason 3: Funding of cancer research is how the discoveries are made and the clinical trials are supported. The more funding that is available, the more research that can be done and clinical trials conducted and each day the generous support of cancer research grows, so does the gift of HOPE.
If you’d like to read a short letter this year and would like to donate directly without reading, you can CLICK HERE for my PMC WINTER CYCLE LINK or CLICK HERE ON MY PMC LINK to do so and have a short 2025 PMC letter (and yes, this is possible, even when I am riding three PMCs in 2025!) When my PMC Unpaved Registration link is ready, I'll add it here as well and if you're up for the challenge and are able to support all THREE (3) PMCs that would be awesome!
It’s our 22nd year of supporting the Dana Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) and riding the PMC to raise more money for cancer research as well as care and to crush all cancers, TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT
It’s our 22nd year of bringing HOPE to our loved ones through all the research that has been funded by your generosity each year, TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT – the goal for this year is $30,000 to be raised (with three PMCs this is possible) and with that number, we will have raised TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT, over $300,000 for cancer research and have given the gift of HOPE in infinite amounts!
It is the 22nd year of showing our LOVE for those we know who have been impacted by a cancer diagnosis and each one of us reading this letter have been impacted by cancer both directly and indirectly but your LOVE is also giving HOPE to each of us (and you can never have too much HOPE, or LOVE for that matter!)
It’s the 22nd year since my original breast cancer diagnosis (which many of you were there for) and 22nd year of asking my surgeon, how I can ever repay all the amazing nurses, doctors, researchers and clinical staff for all they did and continue to do and my surgeon saying, “You can ride the PMC...” which was the answer that was needed!
It’s the 22nd year of vying for the “Sweatiest Person” of the PMC crown (and my training rides are making my chances of retaining the crown look very promising in 2025!
It’s our 12th year since my metastatic breast cancer diagnosis and since that time our generously supporting and riding the PMC, TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT so that more cancer research can be supported, so that more treatments and cures can be discovered and not just for metastatic breast cancer but for all cancers.
For those who have not heard the word “metastatic breast cancer”, it’s when your cancer returns and spreads to another part of the body. There isn't one treatment to manage the cancer when this happens today. A person with this diagnosis gets treatment regularly to control the spread of the cancer - more INNOVATION and your support of basic cancer research is what will get us to a day when there are set treatments and cures for this type of cancer. Through your generous support, YOU are bringing more HOPE, LOVE and INNOVATIONS to everyone reading this letter - you are definitely bringing it to me and everyone I see in the waiting room on the 9th floor of the Dana Farber Cancer Institute.
It’s the 6nd2 year since my birth (which will be celebrated in early February.) As the saying goes, it’s a year of being “older but wiser” and the wiser part is the one where I’ve learned from the many who have fought this battle, young and old, with HOPE and LOVE and still do each day today, TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT – their LOVE and HOPE lives on in all of us, always, no matter their age when they were diagnosed – they have taught us so much, as have YOU!
It's the 4th year that Norma Rose continues to inspire us as our Jimmy Fund Pedal Partner. Each year she has been our Pedal Partner, she and her family meet us ½ way on the route of Day 1 – Norma Rose is always smiling when we see her at this water stop and her smile fuels us – her energy and that of her Mom and family keep us pedaling hard and with all of you, raising more funds for cancer research.
It's also the 1st year that two of my infusion nurses, Sandy and Megan, will be riding the PMC Winter Cycle with me and Team Duncan (you can see them with me and my other infusion nurse, Lee Ann in my PMC profile picture.)
In the spirit of the “wiser” theme, there are many who we love who were diagnosed with cancer and are no longer with us physically and gave to this cause in so many ways, as well as those battling now. All of them will always be in our hearts and we will support this cause for and with them, TOGETHER NO MATTER WHAT. The support of DFCI was there 22 years ago when I was diagnosed and is there each day of the year, for me and so many others, not just in July or August, when the two day PMC ride begins.
Last Wednesday, I had my Dana Farber check up and infusion appointment (and will again in another three (3) weeks and 3 weeks after that and again after that. I wanted to share that when I was there today and each time I am there, the HOPE, LOVE and INNOVATION that YOU MAKE POSSIBLE is seen and felt by me and everyone who walks through the doors of the DFCI. Hopefully you realize that it's your generous support that makes this possible. YOU are ONE in a BILLION – THANK YOU for this gift!
Also, the AMAZING people who care for me and all the patients on the 9th floor (and many of them are also receiving this letter today) are also ONE in a BILLION and give freely so much HOPE and LOVE to each person they care for (which many of you have seen as well.) It's Jen M, Rachel, Sandy, Megan, Lee Ann, Michael, Jen A, Deb, Carla, Laurie, Pam, Hilma and all of the Clinical Assistants and even Eric, Tim, Beth, Lori and Karen, who were directly part of my team in the past and I am still connected with today via their commitment to patient care and cancer research (as well as social media and texts - as I mentioned I am older and wiser at 62 and still the sweatiest but I also hang with a hip crowd!)
THANK YOU to those who have already generously supported the PMC this year – we are getting closer to the $30,000 goal! If you’d like to join us in doing that, there are a couple ways to do this and I’ve listed them below:
As in the past, I will wear my ribbons for the 22nd year of riding and if there are loved ones that you would like me to include on them, please send them along. So many of you have done this over the years and your love for each person inspires me to keep pedaling with you and for them TOGETHER NO MATTER WHAT.
TEAM DUNCAN is the team I am a part of. TEAM DUNCAN officially started 6 years ago, when my beloved friend (and beloved friend to so many as well as loving wife, Mom, sister, aunt and fierce cancer fighter, asked our shared oncologist Eric, “what was holding him back from more progress if you think a cure isn't too far away” and Eric's simple answer was “RAISE MONEY” and this is where and how Project Pink at OOFOS began (and more details on this can be seen at the bottom of this letter.) To mark the official start of TEAM DUNCAN, 6 years ago and to honor Duncan (who I think of and am inspired by each day for her commitment to this cause and for Lou’s/the OOFOS commitment, I am offering some raffles and everyone will be entered into at least one of them but more than 1 can be entered as well (see below:)
PMC 2025 is a big year for all of us (and will be a sweat filled one for me!) It’s also a big year for all those we LOVE. It’s the year we all can say we were part of raising over $1 BILLION to support more cancer research so that new treatments and cures can be discovered for ALL cancers. It is also the year we begin raising our next $1 BILLION. TOGETHER NO MATTER WHAT, we are bringing HOPE to so many and getting CLOSER BY THE MILE, through INNOVATION funded by your generosity, to finding more cancer treatments and cures so that one day, no one will be diagnosed with cancer or if they are, there will be treatments to allow them to live with the diagnosis and bring HOPE to others while they do. The gift of HOPE that you bring is like no other, as is your LOVE and GENEROSITY - THANK YOU for these gifts!
With a grateful, HOPE and love filled heart,
Sue – XO
PMC 2023
This is my 20th year of riding the PMC and my original breast cancer diagnosis. It's also the 10th year since my cancer returned and 60th year (on February 10th) since being born! All those milestones and all the many people like YOU who made them possible are why I've started PMC 2023 updates in February (when my Sweatiest Person Crown is harder to earn) vs late July and August (when the crown will again be within reach!) Stay tuned for my 2023 updated profile write up and other pictures to note the amazing people that have been a part of this journey to bring HOPE and to crush all cancers and that WE have been on since 2003 and will stay on, TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT!
PMC 2022 - Registered and Ready to Ride, TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT!
Only one week until the start of the 2022 Pan Mass Challenge (PMC) ride. Can you believe it?!? Some of you may have wondered if I decided to retire from my pursuit of the “Sweatiest Person” crown and let someone else hold this title since I had not sent my PMC letter yet. Others, I suspect, were thinking that it would take a lot for me to give up this pursuit but since the letter hadn’t been sent yet, still wondered if I was going to pursue it. To both groups, I want to assure you that I am not retiring and will not retire from this pursuit nor will I stop fighting with all of you to make sure treatments and one day, cures for ALL cancers exist. THANK YOU to those of you who have generously donated already too ( and saw the videos of me on FB and Insta, working towards the “Sweatiest Person” crown.) TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT, we will all keep fighting and bringing the gift of HOPE for each of our loved ones and to each other.
Last week I saw the gift of HOPE you are giving while attending our Pan Mass Challenge (PMC) Team Duncan event. This is the team I ride the PMC with. The meet up occurs a little over a week before we begin our two day ride across MA, to raise money for cancer care, research and new cancer treatments and discoveries at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) in Boston and that will be shared with cancer centers and patients across the globe, who have been diagnosed with cancer. From the moment I entered the event, I saw and felt your gift and the team’s gift of HOPE. Duncan was a friend I met through our cancer journeys. She was so dedicated to bringing HOPE and making sure others did the same and continue to do this (and is why Dr. Winer changed the team’s name from Team WOW to Team Duncan.) Her husband, sons, sisters and many other family and friends were at the event and TOGETHER NO MATTER WHAT we will ride and bring the gift of HOPE, with you.
The Team Event was filled with infinite amounts of HOPE. The gift of HOPE was also seen in our 9 year old Pedal Partner and her family, who attended the event. This is the first year our team has had a Pedal Partner and maybe that’s why the gift of HOPE felt infinite last night. This amazing 9 year old was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 7 and has been a patient at the DFCI Jimmy Fund (the kids cancer clinic) since then. The HOPE that radiated from her when we spoke was contagious and so was her smile. It was such a gift to be able to speak with her. She talked about all of the bracelets she wore on her wrists, riding her bike, swimming and the wedding she was going to be in this Summer – there were definitely infinite amounts of HOPE in each word and story that was shared and your generous support makes this gift of HOPE possible. She even said that one day she’d like to ride the PMC and the team gave her our jersey last night – It was a perfect fit!
Your gift of HOPE is seen in other places too. Every three weeks I go to the DFCI for my infusions (and have been doing this since 2013, when my cancer returned.) I feel beyond grateful and blessed to have such an amazing care team that I see there each visit – I trust them with my life and they give the gift of HOPE to so many each day, because of your generous support of the DFCI. There are so many names to mention that care for patients and bring the gift of HOPE at the DFCI and at other cancer institutes. The ones on the top list for me are my oncology nurse Jen, my infusion nurse Sandy and all of the infusion nurses on the 9th floor (Megan, Mary, Deb, Carla, Lee Ann, Stephen, Julie and so many others) plus others on other floors and centers such as Michael, Jen A, Karen P and Lori. There’s also my new oncologist, Dr. Freedman and just a cancer center or two away, Dr. Winer, Dr. Ernst and Dr. Lesnikoski. TOGETHER NO MATTER WHAT they all give so much HOPE.
HOPE is the gift you are giving each time you support the PMC since your generous support allows the DFCI caregivers and researchers to bring the gift of HOPE to so many people at the DFCI and around the globe. THANK YOU again for those who have generously donated this year already and if you’d like to still donate, the options below will assist you – THANK YOU so much! or Venmo to @suzanneespencer (my picture shows me in a fashion show, on the cat walk, yes, I have walked the cat walk – another story of HOPE from Carol)
Since it’s my 19th Year of Riding the PMC and HOPE is such an important gift that is given each day, I’ve decided to try something new this year. For every donation of $150 or more, a Hat of HOPE will be sent to you. It’s a white baseball cap with the PMC logo in navy blue. I’m working on other gifts like this so stay tuned for other HOPE gifts (and a link to the hat.)
Ribbons for your loved ones diagnosed with cancer keep me pedaling and I’ll be wearing them again this year. Many of you have already sent names to add and they are on the ribbons and will be with me next weekend. Up until I start riding on Saturday August 6th and Sunday August 7th, I can add other names – know that they inspire me every mile - I am honored to carry your loved ones with me.
My heart is so filled with HOPE because of YOU and I am beyond grateful for this gift of HOPE that you give and that is needed for all of us and our loved ones each day. The positive impact your support means to so many people is beyond description and can be seen each day – TOGETHER NO MATTER WHAT we will give the gift of HOPE through more cancer research and from that new discoveries and treatments for those we love and in the name of those we love. Also, I will keep going over that “Sweatiest Person” crown – Retirement is not an option! With a grateful heart always - Sue
PMC 2021 Pre-Ride Letter:
It Is time to ride and support more cancer research! Hopefully you and your loved ones are well and healthy and keeping safe during these days where in many places, Covid is again, unfortunately on the rise. This is the case here and even in these times, the 2021 Pan Mass Challenge (PMC), also known by me as Legally Sweaty, more on that later, is on and now two weeks away, occurring on the weekend of August 7th and 8th! Your generosity, this year and from the beginning of this journey leaves me speechless (yes, me, a Speechless Spencer!) Even with Covid, the Dana Farber Cancer Institute has not stopped caring for and treating patients diagnosed with cancer nor have they stopped any of their cancer research. Your generous support makes this ability to keep going, caring and believing, all is possible, TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT - THANK YOU!
Link to support this cause HERE today or any day! You amaze and inspire me each day since for some of you reading this today, your generosity has occurred even without me sending the link to my PMC page, which can be found HERE. If you can and would like to donate (or donate again) and support the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and their goal of finding more cancer treatments and cures for all cancers, I along with so many others, would be beyond grateful (and for those who like a short PMC letter, you can also stop reading but for those who like a longer letter continue reading and for both groups ? THANK YOU!
What a year this has been with both Covid and Cancer: As many of you know but some may not, in 2013, my cancer returned and I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. Today, this means for me and many others with a cancer diagnosis, living with the disease and working with a care team of amazing doctor(s) and nurse(s), discussing the treatment(s) that work best to control and manage the disease and taking these treatments as prescribed, some which work and unfortunately, some that do not. It also means regular trips to the Dana Farber for treatment(s) as well as bloodwork, scans and perhaps, a clinical trial. During Covid, these things still occurred at the Dana Farber, just like non-Covid times but with one main change. All of the patient visits needed to occur without anyone accompanying the patient, except for extreme cases of care (which is an odd statement to make, since isn?t having a cancer diagnosis in general an extreme care case?!) Kids coming to Dana could also have a parent accompany them but only one parent, which was heart breaking to see at patient check in but protecting all of the patients and staff from Covid was the priority as well and it was happening each day and still is happening today. Due to your generosity, the cancer care and research continued and continues today, without interruption, even with Covid. The only change, to protect all of the patients and staff, was the visitor policy. Thanks to YOU, the amazing care and research continues and more is needed and due to your generosity, more will keep occurring ? THANK YOU!
Why Legally Sweaty for PMC 2021?: Have no fear, PMC 2021 will once have me competing for the Sweatiest Person crown and my Sweat training has been stellar to date! You are probably wondering why, this year has been deemed Legally Sweaty, though and I will share this with you now. Given, this is our 18th year of PMC-ing together and raising funds for all of the great care and cancer research being done at the Dana Farber, it technically makes us Legal PMC-ers. There are so many things you can and could do (for those who remember when it was legal to drink at 18), legally, at 18 years of age. Why shouldn't sweating in the PMC be one of them!?! Basically, we?ve been PMC Rebels for the last 17 years and I?ve been illegally sweating (if there is such a thing!) Now, we can be Legally Sweaty and Legally PMC-ing and doing all we can to crush ALL cancers, TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT - THANK YOU!
Ribbons with your loved ones names inspire me: PMC 2021 will also continue the tradition of wearing the ribbons with your loved ones who have been diagnosed with cancer. Please send me their names and I will add them to these ribbons, which are attached to my helmet and will be as I ride the 180+ mile PMC, August 7th and 8th. Their names and your love of them, inspire me to keep pedaling up each hill, no matter how steep it is or appears to be - THANK YOU!
Your generosity doesn't stop and it fills my heart with gratitude - The money raised for PMC 2021 has and will continue to positively impact cancer care and research at the Dana Farber and the discoveries made will be shared with others around the world. Covid has not stopped cancer care and research and hopefully nothing will stop you as well from continuing to support this important cause. Below are the ways you can support this cause and bring HOPE to so many TOGETHER NO MATTER WHAT - THANK YOU!
PMC Link (and option for a Corporate Donation Match:
Venmo Link (I can send it if you can't find me)
Mail a check (I can send you my address if you want to do this)
Believe with a grateful heart: My heart is filled with gratitude. Your love and generosity and support of this cause inspires me and so many people each day and you bring HOPE to so many as well. We ALL BELIEVE, that TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT, we have, can, will and must find more discoveries for better cancer treatments and cures for all cancers. As Amanda Gorman proclaimed in her poem on Jan 21, 2021, For there is always light, if only we?re brave enough to see it, if only we?re brave enough to be it. THANK YOU for being brave enough to see the light and brave enough to be the light and BELIEVE it is there. It is because of your light and generosity that great things have and will happen in finding cures for ALL cancers. We need to keep believing and being the light, TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT!
With love and gratitude always,
2021 PMC Post:
In January 2020, we started the Pan Mass Challenge (PMC) journey together and for the first time, we signed up for two PMCs - In 2021, we're doing the same - Two PMCs! One being the Winter Cycle at Fenway (even those of you who are Yankee fans signed on for that :-) with me - We also signed up for the PMC that takes place the first weekend of each August, ridng for approximately 200 miles. headed to Provincetown, MA, to crush cancer using the POWER OF US, TOGETHER NO MATTER WHAT by funding more cancer research for more discoveries and new patient care and to bring HOPE to each of us and for our loved ones, who are always in our hearts. Who could have ever guessed that when sign up for the two PMCs occurred last January, that a couple months later we'd be in the midst of a pandemic, the first in 100+ years! We were in one, though and as you know, we still are today but there is HOPE, with vaccines being administered and more being given each day! Keep safe out there and keep your loved ones safe too!
There are many things that have been learned in this past pandemic year but one jumps out in regards to the fight against cancer, the much needed fight of which you have been more than supportive of and generous to ! It is that none of us are giving up this fight and these months during the pandemic have made this more than obvious! As a matter of fact, we're all fighting harder and all of our fight is making a difference to all of our loved ones and in their memory. As many of you know, I am a patient at the Dana Farber in Boston and have been for many years and some of you reading this have been as well or have had loved ones treated there or are being treated there today. If you have ever been inside of the Dana Farber, you know what I mean when I speak of all of us fighting harder than ever and everyone at the Dana Farber, doing this too, during these times of the pandemic.
For those of you who have not been in the Dana Farber ever or during these time of the pandemic (and probably not many of you have due to their strict Covid protocols to protect their patients and their staff) the word AMAZING doesn't even come close to describing the place and all of the people who step through their doors. Of course there is each patient, who now, mainly goes there for care and treatment on their own, due to Covid, as well as the nurses, doctors, aides, researchers. reception desk staff as well as the cafeteria staff and so many others. They are there each day (and also when needed, in the night) to make sure cancer care and research does not stop due to Covid. They have done and keep doing, everything necessary to make sure patients are cared for and that the research and treatments continue - they are in this with all of us, TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT and they bring HOPE to those who are there as patients and their loved ones. They are also there to keep fighting for our loved ones who are no longer here with us but are ALWAYS IN OUR HEARTS. There are so very many who are in our hearts and who we will always fight for in their memory and who will push us to keep fighting as they smile down on us and remind us that we need to keep supporting cancer research so that new discoveries can be made and cures found, while also bringing HOPE, something that you can never ever have too much of!
As mentioned already, I've signed up for both of the PMCs this year and my first two donors are in the books - They are my Mom and Dad (they donated to the Winter at Fenway (even being from Yankee land, they still donated :-) They also donated to the August PMC. Unfortunately, both donations can't be seen yet on my profile page but I'm working on that - they sent in checks which slows the process slightly but it gets donated eventually! Their support brings so much HOPE for so many reasons and if you are able, I'm writing today to ask for your support as well. You can support both PMCs as they did or just one or donate twice to one or both! 100% of the money raised goes to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and the research done there is shared around the world with everyone TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT (even a pandemic can't stop this!)
Plus, I'm starting fundraising early this year - one reason is that it's a pandemic, so fundraising is something you can do easily and safely from home and without needing a mask there as well! The other and most important reason, is that it's easy to see, how committed the Dana Farber is to making sure that patients diagnosed with cancer prior to or during this pandemic are cared for as if it were non-pandemic times and that cancer research is continued and that more discoveries are made and cures are found - we need more discoveries and cures and all of us TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT can make that happen - we have already done this for many of the cancers but we need to keep doing it so that no one ever needs to hear the words, you have cancer or if they do, they are followed by the words and we have a treatment that will allow you to live for many, many years.
If you are able to support the PMC in 2021, you can donate via the link on this page, it also appears there is a Venmo option (and I'm looking into that.) Or, like my Mom and Dad, Rosalie and Mike, you can also send checks to me - I'll give you my address, if you'd like to do that (obviously, my parents have it memorized, so they can also help you send a check to the Dana Farber too!)
My heart is overflowing with gratitude for your generousity and support of this cause and for your never ending committment to this fight against cancer and being in this with me, TOGHETHER, NO MATTER WHAT!
With love and gratitude always - be safe and stay safe and stay HOPE filled and TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT!
July 2020 PMC Note
We are living in challenging times with HOPE: Saying these are challenging times is an understatement for certain and as I write my Pan Mass Challenge 2020 letter my first thoughts go to you and your loved ones filled with HOPE that all of you are safe and healthy. For some of you, I know this is not the case and to you, I send extra love and healing thoughts and added HOPE, that brings you strength and resilience during these challenging times. Hopefully you know that you are not alone in them and are always surrounded by LOVE - We are in this TOGETHER, no matter what!
There is so much LOVE in the world: Knowing there is so much LOVE in the world and around each of us, even in the midst of this pandemic, is what brings me HOPE. It is also one of my motivations for the 2020 Pan Mass Challenge (PMC), which supports the Dana Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) and all of the amazing research and care that is delivered there each day, for all types of cancers and to people of all ages, even during these times of Covid. PMC 2020 – Reimagined, is such an important PMC year (the 17th for me and between the 1st or 41st for all of the other rider.) In case you didn’t realize it, DFCI has not stopped caring for patients, performing cancer research or offering clinical trials during this pandemic and this is due in a large part to your generous support of this fight against all cancers- We are in this TOGETHER, no matter what!
Financial challenges: The pandemic has impacted each of us financially in different ways as well and is one reason writing this letter to you is difficult. Please do not feel obligated to donate this year but if you are able to donate, the impact you will be making will be enormous - I can say this with first-hand experience. Cancer hasn’t checked out or taken a break during the pandemic and neither do the people who take care of patients or are associated with all of the cancer research and trials performed there. As a matter of fact, everyone at DFCI has had to work even harder to make sure care and research didn’t and doesn’t stop (and it definitely didn’t!) Due to this commitment, more HOPE was delivered to so many. If you want to hear from one of the many amazing people at the Dana who can speak to how your generous support brings HOPE click this LINK and watch this short video of my oncologist, Dr. Erin Winer (a PMC riders as well!) My heart is and has been filled with HOPE during these times and for the almost 17 years that I have been a patient there. Dana Farber Cancer Institute has amazing caretakers and researchers who give unselfishly of themselves each day to care for patients and dedicate themselves to finding new treatments and cures for all cancers all while filling our hearts and those of our loved ones with HOPE and GRATITUDE. If you are able to this year, please consider supporting this important cause. We are all in this fight, TOGETHER no matter what! There are two ways you can do this:
PMC 2020 – Reimagined: As you might imagine, the PMC in 2020 is not running in the same way it has for the last 40+ years. Having 5,000 people sleeping in dorms or tents and sharing PB&J sandwiches from a tray (making 10,000 hands touching those sandwiches-YIKES) would not be a healthy or safe way to host the event – even if I weren’t a Virologist in a former career, I would still feel this way! At the same time, it’s not being cancelled either. Instead it’s being “Reimagined” by each rider so that HOPE and SUPPORT can still be delivered to everyone who has heard the words “you have cancer” or has been with or is with a loved one who has. It should be noted that one thing that has not been reimagined is the “Sweatiest Person” crown and my desire to retain it…but more on that next paragraph!
202.0 Miles PMC Weekend: My reimagined PMC will involve riding a total of 202.0 miles PMC weekend (a bit longer than the last 16 I’ve ridden – I’m going with a 2020 mile them and 202.0 seemed more achievable than 2,020 miles in one weekend, although, I would definitely win the “Sweatiest Person” crown with that type of mileage!) I’ll start riding on Friday and finish on Sunday, August 2nd (of course I’ll also, sleep, eat and sweat too over that time too!) – I thought about making my PMC 2020 Reimagined a 20.20 mile ride (and feel I could still win the “Sweatiest Person” crown) but this fight against cancer deserves more time on the bike and hopefully more funds raised for this important cause. During that weekend the ride will include some very important people who have been a part of my cancer care and journey. Many I’ve mentioned or shared pictures of over the years due to the impact they have and have had in my life and the lives of so many others. Since being diagnosed in 2003 with Breast Cancer and as I continue to live with Metastatic Breast Cancer today, due to my recurrence in 2013, my commitment to this fight has never lessened and won’t ever, either. Each visit to the DFCI (and even more so in these times of Covid) just confirms why this cause is so important to support and raise awareness for with loved ones here and across the globe. We are all in this fight, TOGETHER no matter what!
Ribbons of Loved Ones Motivate Me: I’ll also be wearing my ribbons, with names of your loved ones, every single mile. I have created an additional ribbon set, which I wore as part of my first PMC Winter Cycle at Fenway Park (even Yankee fans were allowed to participate in it!) I’ll be wearing both sets of ribbons on PMC weekend and keep them close by when I’m not riding as a reminder of all those we love and who have had a cancer diagnosis. Their LOVE and memory is with me and inspires me each mile that I ride and keeps me pedaling even up the steepest hill! I also think of each of them each training ride…if you’re reading this letter still (and given Covid free time making more time for reading, hopefully you are) know that each person is also thought of on my training rides. Each one brings a smile and strength and a push to keep pedaling! If you have names of loved ones that you’d like me to add to my ribbons, please send them along. We are all in this fight, TOGETHER no matter what!
Amazing Caretakers and Research: Since the start of the pandemic, Dana Farber Cancer Institute has not stopped caring for patients. I know this first hand, since as a metastatic breast cancer patient, I have regular visits at the Dana and am currently participating in a clinical trial to compare the efficacy of two known cancer treatments, to see if the combo vs the drugs alone, give improved results. This and other research keeps occurring even in this time of Covid 19 and your generosity is making this possible and is bringing so much HOPE to so many people. I’ve seen compassion and kindness that is beyond words, with each visit to the Dana and it was seen from the moment I walked into the hospital in March, April, May and June of this year and I know I will see this when I am in for my monthly check up and scans in July. YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT makes all of this possible and for this my heart and so many others are filled with GRATITUDE, LOVE and HOPE – THANK YOU for your LOVE, GENEROSITY and SUPPORT – you are making a difference in the lives of so many people and bringing so much HOPE with the new discoveries for cancer treatments and patient care and we are doing this TOGETHER NO MATTER WHAT!
P.S. If you want to ride with me any part of PMC weekend let me know, although I must warn you…it will be a sweaty ride (since the “Sweatiest Person” crown is once again up for grabs!)
PMC Winter Cycle 2020 Message:
2020 will be the year of two PMCs- one will be inside at Fenway Park on Saturday, January 25, 2020 (my first indoor PMC or Winter Cycle) and the other in August (#17!) Riding in both Pan Mass Challenges (PMC) is part of a commitment I made in 2004, to give back and be part of efforts for raising money for cancer research and care, I am riding my bike, this Saturday and the first weekend in August, from Wellesley, MA to Provincetown and along with you, raising money for this very important cause and sharing stories of the impact your generous support has had and will continue to have! Plans to be crowned Sweatiest Person once again, of the PMC also exist but more on that later (and I am certain this will happen at the indoor PMC on Saturday at Fenway!)
Cancer Research Support Is Needed Today: Last year, a friend asked our oncologist, Dr. Eric Winer “What’s holding you back from more progress if you think a cure isn’t too far away and how can I help?” Eric’s answer was simple… “Raise money”. He is and was correct and he has been since we first met..Raising money for cancer research definitely has an impact and needs to continue. Thankfully, all of you have supported and continue to support Eric’s answer and have since the first Pan Mass Challenge (PMC) ride email was sent from me to all of you in 2004 (and when I was first crowned “Sweatiest Person of the Pan Mass Challenge Ride!) THANK YOU for this generous support! My hope for 2020 is that you will continue to support this important cause and with the POWER OF US TOGETHER, we can raise $25,000 (or more) for cancer research (something we haven’t done together in one year…yet!) I’m ready to ride August 2-3 and I know that you ready to raise money with me so that more research can be funded and discoveries made and if you like, you can ride too and even compete for the “Sweatiest Person” crown! Here’s a link to my PMC page to help get us to our goal of $25,000 (and my “Sweatiest Person” crown):
Your Support Has and Will Continue to Make an Impact on Cancer Research and Discoveries: There are so many examples of the impact that your support has had on cancer research and in finding new treatments. One example of the impact of research continues from a story I shared with you last year about a young girl, whose family I am friends with and who live in another state. At this time last year, they received a call from the Dana Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI), the hospital the PMC funds support, to let them know that a new trial and drug was available for their daughter and that the genomic testing of her tumor made it appear that the drug could be the treatment they were waiting for…and it appears that it was and is! You may have seen her story on the news if you live in the Boston area – it’s an amazing one and in a large part, due to the funding of cancer research and trials at the DFCI. The next story is one that shows that more support is needed for cancer research and trials. It’s the story of my friend, Duncan who asked Eric, how she can help. Some of you may have met her or known her – she was a person who embraced life and was always thinking of ways to raise more money for cancer research and wanting to help others – even the week before she passed away, in May of this year, she was talking about this with me and that she knew that more could be done and more progress could be made and I know we all agree with her. On my PMC Profile page you can see a picture of both of us and her son Alec. We are “raising money” in that picture (a check to the PMC and DFCI, that we raised over our heads and was possible due to your generosity and support of this important cause, in 2018.) The link HERE is a video of Duncan and Eric discussing “Project Pink” and shows how important this cause of cancer research is and how important raising money for cancer trials and discoveries is. Also, you’ll see a number of people in this video which also shows what my heart is most grateful for which is the POWER OF US TOGETHER, doing this – Without you, none of the cancer research, trials, care and discoveries that have been made, are needed and will be made, would never be possible – THANK YOU for making it possible!
What the PMC Means: Since my first year of riding the Pan Mass Challenge (PMC) in 2004, after my Breast Cancer diagnosis in late 2003, the PMC has always been about the POWER OF US TOGETHER and the impact we have had and will continue to have via your generous support, in finding new cancer treatments through your generosity which supports more research and research studies and that will one day, allow us to find a cure for all cancers. This year, the power of US is even more profound, as you can see and I've added to the statement of the POWER OF US TOGETHER, the word ALWAYS, since we need to have this power ALWAYS present. If it is, no matter what, HOPE will be given and great discoveries will be made! My profile picture for 2019 is one great example of the POWER OF US TOGETHER, ALWAYS in this fight and the inspiration for my 2019 Super Sweet 16 PMC since this will be my 16th year of riding the PMC (or is it my Super Sweat 16 year, since I plan to be crowned Sweatiest Person of the PMC once again!) The picture was taken at the PMC Heavy Hitter event in November 2018. All three of us in the picture have ridden on the same PMC team, formerly known as Team WOW but as of May 2019, now known as Team Duncan. There are a number of us on the team but the larger percentage of the team are Duncan's family members, her husband Tom and their other sons, Cavan, Duncan and Will plus many of Duncan's siblings and other relatives (which gives you one bit of insight into the team name change, Eric, who is also a PMC rider, decided to make. His decision to change the name is definitely connected to the POWER OF US TOGETHER, ALWAYS. 100% of the money generously donated by you to each rider in the PMC goes to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) and will have an impact, today, tomorrow and ALWAYS on cancer research, care and finding a cure and brings HOPE to so many people each day and ALWAYS.
Dana Farber Cancer Institute Is Outstanding: DFCI in Boston is an outstanding cancer care and research institute, with amazing people, caring each day for every patient, their family and friends as part of their cancer journey. I’ve mentioned Eric already, but Jen M, Kelly, Michael, Jen A, Megan, Michelle, Deb, Carla, Sandy, Liz and so many others are a part of this committed and loving group of people. Even those who were once at the DFCI or moved to other hospitals around the globe, such as Dr. Tim Ernst and Lori are amazing and still a part of this journey for me and so many others! I know this first hand, since first being diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2003 and also know the positive impact your support has had and continues to have on cancer research, trials and care. You and your generous support along with all of these amazing caregivers is another example of the POWER OF US TOGETHER, ALWAYS and fills my heart with gratitude. Today, I am participating in my 4th clinicial trial, being conducted at the DFCI – this trial exists due to your generosity. Thanks to you, teams there have worked tirelessly to create this trial (which over 600 participants are enrolled) and each person is committed to ensure it is managed with the most positive outcomes possible and best patient care. This is only one of so many other trials that are run each day at the DFCI because of your support and the POWER OF US TOGETHER, ALWAYS! My heart and so many others are grateful to you for making this all possible!
For Our Loved Ones: As in years past, please send me any names of loved ones to add to my ribbons that I wear while I ride the PMC to Provincetown. They always inspire me not only on that weekend but every day I train and think of them and this cause. Each time I ride, I think of all of our loved ones and it keeps me pedaling and pushing harder for this important cause so that more research can be funded and discoveries can be madej. The 2020 TWO PMCs - POWER OF US TOGETHER, ALWAYS is what is and will make this possible.
How You Can Help: My heart is filled beyond words, with gratitude for your generous support of this cause and my hope is that you will consider supporting this important cause this year in any way that you can. THANK YOU to all of you who have already donated and THANK YOU to those who will! You will be making a difference in the lives of so many people since your support will fund more research and clinical trials, all of which will allow new treatment discoveries and patient care regimens to be made that impact all people diagnosed with cancer, while bringing them HOPE, RESILIENCE and INSPIRATION, all through the POWER OF US TOGETHER, ALWAYS. There are three ways to support this important cause:
- Donate online at this link:
- Send a check to me (if you don't have my address, call or email me)
- Venmo (since I am now high tech and have a Venmo account, not just checks!)
Each day, I am so very grateful for your love and support of this important cause and of me and that we are able to raise money to fund more research and support more clinical trials, discover new treatments and bring HOPE to all of us with the 2020 TWO PMCs - POWER OF US TOGETHER, ALWAYS!
With a gratitude and a love filled heart, ALWAYS – THANK YOU!
P.S. Please feel free to forward this email to others - this will bring more 2020TWO PMCs - POWER OF US TOGETHER, ALWAYS for this cause
P.S.S. Be on the look out for an invitation to my Super Sweet or Sweat 17 PMC post ride party - hopefully I can show off my Sweatiest Person crown at the party!
My Links
PMC 2025 - Registered and Ready to Ride for the 22nd Year and Crush Cancer with YOU, TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT and for THREE (3) PMCs too (I've registed for 2 of the 3 already!)
As you read this letter’s title, PMC 2025 and read it in January vs in later July, you may be asking, why is Sue (AKA Sweaty Sue) writing her letter at the start of the year instead of just a couple of weeks before the August two day biking event. It's a good question to ask and there are 3 reasons why this is the case and I've listed these 3 reasons below:
Reason 1: We are all impacted by cancer and so are all of the people we love. This impact does not just occur when the August two day event occurs either and I know that as you read this you will also agree this is the case. It happens each day of the year.
Reason 2: Research is essential to making new cancer treatment discoveries and for finding more cures, The results of research can be seen in clinical trials of new drugs and trials for improving cancer care for all those we know and love (and many who we may not even know.)
Reason 3: Funding of cancer research is how the discoveries are made and the clinical trials are supported. The more funding that is available, the more research that can be done and clinical trials conducted and each day the generous support of cancer research grows, so does the gift of HOPE.
If you’d like to read a short letter this year and would like to donate directly without reading, you can CLICK HERE for my PMC WINTER CYCLE LINK or CLICK HERE ON MY PMC LINK to do so and have a short 2025 PMC letter (and yes, this is possible, even when I am riding three PMCs in 2025!) When my PMC Unpaved Registration link is ready, I'll add it here as well and if you're up for the challenge and are able to support all THREE (3) PMCs that would be awesome!
It’s our 22nd year of supporting the Dana Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) and riding the PMC to raise more money for cancer research as well as care and to crush all cancers, TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT
It’s our 22nd year of bringing HOPE to our loved ones through all the research that has been funded by your generosity each year, TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT – the goal for this year is $30,000 to be raised (with three PMCs this is possible) and with that number, we will have raised TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT, over $300,000 for cancer research and have given the gift of HOPE in infinite amounts!
It is the 22nd year of showing our LOVE for those we know who have been impacted by a cancer diagnosis and each one of us reading this letter have been impacted by cancer both directly and indirectly but your LOVE is also giving HOPE to each of us (and you can never have too much HOPE, or LOVE for that matter!)
It’s the 22nd year since my original breast cancer diagnosis (which many of you were there for) and 22nd year of asking my surgeon, how I can ever repay all the amazing nurses, doctors, researchers and clinical staff for all they did and continue to do and my surgeon saying, “You can ride the PMC...” which was the answer that was needed!
It’s the 22nd year of vying for the “Sweatiest Person” of the PMC crown (and my training rides are making my chances of retaining the crown look very promising in 2025!
It’s our 12th year since my metastatic breast cancer diagnosis and since that time our generously supporting and riding the PMC, TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT so that more cancer research can be supported, so that more treatments and cures can be discovered and not just for metastatic breast cancer but for all cancers.
For those who have not heard the word “metastatic breast cancer”, it’s when your cancer returns and spreads to another part of the body. There isn't one treatment to manage the cancer when this happens today. A person with this diagnosis gets treatment regularly to control the spread of the cancer - more INNOVATION and your support of basic cancer research is what will get us to a day when there are set treatments and cures for this type of cancer. Through your generous support, YOU are bringing more HOPE, LOVE and INNOVATIONS to everyone reading this letter - you are definitely bringing it to me and everyone I see in the waiting room on the 9th floor of the Dana Farber Cancer Institute.
It’s the 6nd2 year since my birth (which will be celebrated in early February.) As the saying goes, it’s a year of being “older but wiser” and the wiser part is the one where I’ve learned from the many who have fought this battle, young and old, with HOPE and LOVE and still do each day today, TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT – their LOVE and HOPE lives on in all of us, always, no matter their age when they were diagnosed – they have taught us so much, as have YOU!
It's the 4th year that Norma Rose continues to inspire us as our Jimmy Fund Pedal Partner. Each year she has been our Pedal Partner, she and her family meet us ½ way on the route of Day 1 – Norma Rose is always smiling when we see her at this water stop and her smile fuels us – her energy and that of her Mom and family keep us pedaling hard and with all of you, raising more funds for cancer research.
It's also the 1st year that two of my infusion nurses, Sandy and Megan, will be riding the PMC Winter Cycle with me and Team Duncan (you can see them with me and my other infusion nurse, Lee Ann in my PMC profile picture.)
In the spirit of the “wiser” theme, there are many who we love who were diagnosed with cancer and are no longer with us physically and gave to this cause in so many ways, as well as those battling now. All of them will always be in our hearts and we will support this cause for and with them, TOGETHER NO MATTER WHAT. The support of DFCI was there 22 years ago when I was diagnosed and is there each day of the year, for me and so many others, not just in July or August, when the two day PMC ride begins.
Last Wednesday, I had my Dana Farber check up and infusion appointment (and will again in another three (3) weeks and 3 weeks after that and again after that. I wanted to share that when I was there today and each time I am there, the HOPE, LOVE and INNOVATION that YOU MAKE POSSIBLE is seen and felt by me and everyone who walks through the doors of the DFCI. Hopefully you realize that it's your generous support that makes this possible. YOU are ONE in a BILLION – THANK YOU for this gift!
Also, the AMAZING people who care for me and all the patients on the 9th floor (and many of them are also receiving this letter today) are also ONE in a BILLION and give freely so much HOPE and LOVE to each person they care for (which many of you have seen as well.) It's Jen M, Rachel, Sandy, Megan, Lee Ann, Michael, Jen A, Deb, Carla, Laurie, Pam, Hilma and all of the Clinical Assistants and even Eric, Tim, Beth, Lori and Karen, who were directly part of my team in the past and I am still connected with today via their commitment to patient care and cancer research (as well as social media and texts - as I mentioned I am older and wiser at 62 and still the sweatiest but I also hang with a hip crowd!)
THANK YOU to those who have already generously supported the PMC this year – we are getting closer to the $30,000 goal! If you’d like to join us in doing that, there are a couple ways to do this and I’ve listed them below:
As in the past, I will wear my ribbons for the 22nd year of riding and if there are loved ones that you would like me to include on them, please send them along. So many of you have done this over the years and your love for each person inspires me to keep pedaling with you and for them TOGETHER NO MATTER WHAT.
TEAM DUNCAN is the team I am a part of. TEAM DUNCAN officially started 6 years ago, when my beloved friend (and beloved friend to so many as well as loving wife, Mom, sister, aunt and fierce cancer fighter, asked our shared oncologist Eric, “what was holding him back from more progress if you think a cure isn't too far away” and Eric's simple answer was “RAISE MONEY” and this is where and how Project Pink at OOFOS began (and more details on this can be seen at the bottom of this letter.) To mark the official start of TEAM DUNCAN, 6 years ago and to honor Duncan (who I think of and am inspired by each day for her commitment to this cause and for Lou’s/the OOFOS commitment, I am offering some raffles and everyone will be entered into at least one of them but more than 1 can be entered as well (see below:)
PMC 2025 is a big year for all of us (and will be a sweat filled one for me!) It’s also a big year for all those we LOVE. It’s the year we all can say we were part of raising over $1 BILLION to support more cancer research so that new treatments and cures can be discovered for ALL cancers. It is also the year we begin raising our next $1 BILLION. TOGETHER NO MATTER WHAT, we are bringing HOPE to so many and getting CLOSER BY THE MILE, through INNOVATION funded by your generosity, to finding more cancer treatments and cures so that one day, no one will be diagnosed with cancer or if they are, there will be treatments to allow them to live with the diagnosis and bring HOPE to others while they do. The gift of HOPE that you bring is like no other, as is your LOVE and GENEROSITY - THANK YOU for these gifts!
With a grateful, HOPE and love filled heart,
Sue – XO
PMC 2023
This is my 20th year of riding the PMC and my original breast cancer diagnosis. It's also the 10th year since my cancer returned and 60th year (on February 10th) since being born! All those milestones and all the many people like YOU who made them possible are why I've started PMC 2023 updates in February (when my Sweatiest Person Crown is harder to earn) vs late July and August (when the crown will again be within reach!) Stay tuned for my 2023 updated profile write up and other pictures to note the amazing people that have been a part of this journey to bring HOPE and to crush all cancers and that WE have been on since 2003 and will stay on, TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT!
PMC 2022 - Registered and Ready to Ride, TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT!
Only one week until the start of the 2022 Pan Mass Challenge (PMC) ride. Can you believe it?!? Some of you may have wondered if I decided to retire from my pursuit of the “Sweatiest Person” crown and let someone else hold this title since I had not sent my PMC letter yet. Others, I suspect, were thinking that it would take a lot for me to give up this pursuit but since the letter hadn’t been sent yet, still wondered if I was going to pursue it. To both groups, I want to assure you that I am not retiring and will not retire from this pursuit nor will I stop fighting with all of you to make sure treatments and one day, cures for ALL cancers exist. THANK YOU to those of you who have generously donated already too ( and saw the videos of me on FB and Insta, working towards the “Sweatiest Person” crown.) TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT, we will all keep fighting and bringing the gift of HOPE for each of our loved ones and to each other.
Last week I saw the gift of HOPE you are giving while attending our Pan Mass Challenge (PMC) Team Duncan event. This is the team I ride the PMC with. The meet up occurs a little over a week before we begin our two day ride across MA, to raise money for cancer care, research and new cancer treatments and discoveries at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) in Boston and that will be shared with cancer centers and patients across the globe, who have been diagnosed with cancer. From the moment I entered the event, I saw and felt your gift and the team’s gift of HOPE. Duncan was a friend I met through our cancer journeys. She was so dedicated to bringing HOPE and making sure others did the same and continue to do this (and is why Dr. Winer changed the team’s name from Team WOW to Team Duncan.) Her husband, sons, sisters and many other family and friends were at the event and TOGETHER NO MATTER WHAT we will ride and bring the gift of HOPE, with you.
The Team Event was filled with infinite amounts of HOPE. The gift of HOPE was also seen in our 9 year old Pedal Partner and her family, who attended the event. This is the first year our team has had a Pedal Partner and maybe that’s why the gift of HOPE felt infinite last night. This amazing 9 year old was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 7 and has been a patient at the DFCI Jimmy Fund (the kids cancer clinic) since then. The HOPE that radiated from her when we spoke was contagious and so was her smile. It was such a gift to be able to speak with her. She talked about all of the bracelets she wore on her wrists, riding her bike, swimming and the wedding she was going to be in this Summer – there were definitely infinite amounts of HOPE in each word and story that was shared and your generous support makes this gift of HOPE possible. She even said that one day she’d like to ride the PMC and the team gave her our jersey last night – It was a perfect fit!
Your gift of HOPE is seen in other places too. Every three weeks I go to the DFCI for my infusions (and have been doing this since 2013, when my cancer returned.) I feel beyond grateful and blessed to have such an amazing care team that I see there each visit – I trust them with my life and they give the gift of HOPE to so many each day, because of your generous support of the DFCI. There are so many names to mention that care for patients and bring the gift of HOPE at the DFCI and at other cancer institutes. The ones on the top list for me are my oncology nurse Jen, my infusion nurse Sandy and all of the infusion nurses on the 9th floor (Megan, Mary, Deb, Carla, Lee Ann, Stephen, Julie and so many others) plus others on other floors and centers such as Michael, Jen A, Karen P and Lori. There’s also my new oncologist, Dr. Freedman and just a cancer center or two away, Dr. Winer, Dr. Ernst and Dr. Lesnikoski. TOGETHER NO MATTER WHAT they all give so much HOPE.
HOPE is the gift you are giving each time you support the PMC since your generous support allows the DFCI caregivers and researchers to bring the gift of HOPE to so many people at the DFCI and around the globe. THANK YOU again for those who have generously donated this year already and if you’d like to still donate, the options below will assist you – THANK YOU so much! or Venmo to @suzanneespencer (my picture shows me in a fashion show, on the cat walk, yes, I have walked the cat walk – another story of HOPE from Carol)
Since it’s my 19th Year of Riding the PMC and HOPE is such an important gift that is given each day, I’ve decided to try something new this year. For every donation of $150 or more, a Hat of HOPE will be sent to you. It’s a white baseball cap with the PMC logo in navy blue. I’m working on other gifts like this so stay tuned for other HOPE gifts (and a link to the hat.)
Ribbons for your loved ones diagnosed with cancer keep me pedaling and I’ll be wearing them again this year. Many of you have already sent names to add and they are on the ribbons and will be with me next weekend. Up until I start riding on Saturday August 6th and Sunday August 7th, I can add other names – know that they inspire me every mile - I am honored to carry your loved ones with me.
My heart is so filled with HOPE because of YOU and I am beyond grateful for this gift of HOPE that you give and that is needed for all of us and our loved ones each day. The positive impact your support means to so many people is beyond description and can be seen each day – TOGETHER NO MATTER WHAT we will give the gift of HOPE through more cancer research and from that new discoveries and treatments for those we love and in the name of those we love. Also, I will keep going over that “Sweatiest Person” crown – Retirement is not an option! With a grateful heart always - Sue
PMC 2021 Pre-Ride Letter:
It Is time to ride and support more cancer research! Hopefully you and your loved ones are well and healthy and keeping safe during these days where in many places, Covid is again, unfortunately on the rise. This is the case here and even in these times, the 2021 Pan Mass Challenge (PMC), also known by me as Legally Sweaty, more on that later, is on and now two weeks away, occurring on the weekend of August 7th and 8th! Your generosity, this year and from the beginning of this journey leaves me speechless (yes, me, a Speechless Spencer!) Even with Covid, the Dana Farber Cancer Institute has not stopped caring for and treating patients diagnosed with cancer nor have they stopped any of their cancer research. Your generous support makes this ability to keep going, caring and believing, all is possible, TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT - THANK YOU!
Link to support this cause HERE today or any day! You amaze and inspire me each day since for some of you reading this today, your generosity has occurred even without me sending the link to my PMC page, which can be found HERE. If you can and would like to donate (or donate again) and support the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and their goal of finding more cancer treatments and cures for all cancers, I along with so many others, would be beyond grateful (and for those who like a short PMC letter, you can also stop reading but for those who like a longer letter continue reading and for both groups ? THANK YOU!
What a year this has been with both Covid and Cancer: As many of you know but some may not, in 2013, my cancer returned and I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. Today, this means for me and many others with a cancer diagnosis, living with the disease and working with a care team of amazing doctor(s) and nurse(s), discussing the treatment(s) that work best to control and manage the disease and taking these treatments as prescribed, some which work and unfortunately, some that do not. It also means regular trips to the Dana Farber for treatment(s) as well as bloodwork, scans and perhaps, a clinical trial. During Covid, these things still occurred at the Dana Farber, just like non-Covid times but with one main change. All of the patient visits needed to occur without anyone accompanying the patient, except for extreme cases of care (which is an odd statement to make, since isn?t having a cancer diagnosis in general an extreme care case?!) Kids coming to Dana could also have a parent accompany them but only one parent, which was heart breaking to see at patient check in but protecting all of the patients and staff from Covid was the priority as well and it was happening each day and still is happening today. Due to your generosity, the cancer care and research continued and continues today, without interruption, even with Covid. The only change, to protect all of the patients and staff, was the visitor policy. Thanks to YOU, the amazing care and research continues and more is needed and due to your generosity, more will keep occurring ? THANK YOU!
Why Legally Sweaty for PMC 2021?: Have no fear, PMC 2021 will once have me competing for the Sweatiest Person crown and my Sweat training has been stellar to date! You are probably wondering why, this year has been deemed Legally Sweaty, though and I will share this with you now. Given, this is our 18th year of PMC-ing together and raising funds for all of the great care and cancer research being done at the Dana Farber, it technically makes us Legal PMC-ers. There are so many things you can and could do (for those who remember when it was legal to drink at 18), legally, at 18 years of age. Why shouldn't sweating in the PMC be one of them!?! Basically, we?ve been PMC Rebels for the last 17 years and I?ve been illegally sweating (if there is such a thing!) Now, we can be Legally Sweaty and Legally PMC-ing and doing all we can to crush ALL cancers, TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT - THANK YOU!
Ribbons with your loved ones names inspire me: PMC 2021 will also continue the tradition of wearing the ribbons with your loved ones who have been diagnosed with cancer. Please send me their names and I will add them to these ribbons, which are attached to my helmet and will be as I ride the 180+ mile PMC, August 7th and 8th. Their names and your love of them, inspire me to keep pedaling up each hill, no matter how steep it is or appears to be - THANK YOU!
Your generosity doesn't stop and it fills my heart with gratitude - The money raised for PMC 2021 has and will continue to positively impact cancer care and research at the Dana Farber and the discoveries made will be shared with others around the world. Covid has not stopped cancer care and research and hopefully nothing will stop you as well from continuing to support this important cause. Below are the ways you can support this cause and bring HOPE to so many TOGETHER NO MATTER WHAT - THANK YOU!
PMC Link (and option for a Corporate Donation Match:
Venmo Link (I can send it if you can't find me)
Mail a check (I can send you my address if you want to do this)
Believe with a grateful heart: My heart is filled with gratitude. Your love and generosity and support of this cause inspires me and so many people each day and you bring HOPE to so many as well. We ALL BELIEVE, that TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT, we have, can, will and must find more discoveries for better cancer treatments and cures for all cancers. As Amanda Gorman proclaimed in her poem on Jan 21, 2021, For there is always light, if only we?re brave enough to see it, if only we?re brave enough to be it. THANK YOU for being brave enough to see the light and brave enough to be the light and BELIEVE it is there. It is because of your light and generosity that great things have and will happen in finding cures for ALL cancers. We need to keep believing and being the light, TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT!
With love and gratitude always,
2021 PMC Post:
In January 2020, we started the Pan Mass Challenge (PMC) journey together and for the first time, we signed up for two PMCs - In 2021, we're doing the same - Two PMCs! One being the Winter Cycle at Fenway (even those of you who are Yankee fans signed on for that :-) with me - We also signed up for the PMC that takes place the first weekend of each August, ridng for approximately 200 miles. headed to Provincetown, MA, to crush cancer using the POWER OF US, TOGETHER NO MATTER WHAT by funding more cancer research for more discoveries and new patient care and to bring HOPE to each of us and for our loved ones, who are always in our hearts. Who could have ever guessed that when sign up for the two PMCs occurred last January, that a couple months later we'd be in the midst of a pandemic, the first in 100+ years! We were in one, though and as you know, we still are today but there is HOPE, with vaccines being administered and more being given each day! Keep safe out there and keep your loved ones safe too!
There are many things that have been learned in this past pandemic year but one jumps out in regards to the fight against cancer, the much needed fight of which you have been more than supportive of and generous to ! It is that none of us are giving up this fight and these months during the pandemic have made this more than obvious! As a matter of fact, we're all fighting harder and all of our fight is making a difference to all of our loved ones and in their memory. As many of you know, I am a patient at the Dana Farber in Boston and have been for many years and some of you reading this have been as well or have had loved ones treated there or are being treated there today. If you have ever been inside of the Dana Farber, you know what I mean when I speak of all of us fighting harder than ever and everyone at the Dana Farber, doing this too, during these times of the pandemic.
For those of you who have not been in the Dana Farber ever or during these time of the pandemic (and probably not many of you have due to their strict Covid protocols to protect their patients and their staff) the word AMAZING doesn't even come close to describing the place and all of the people who step through their doors. Of course there is each patient, who now, mainly goes there for care and treatment on their own, due to Covid, as well as the nurses, doctors, aides, researchers. reception desk staff as well as the cafeteria staff and so many others. They are there each day (and also when needed, in the night) to make sure cancer care and research does not stop due to Covid. They have done and keep doing, everything necessary to make sure patients are cared for and that the research and treatments continue - they are in this with all of us, TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT and they bring HOPE to those who are there as patients and their loved ones. They are also there to keep fighting for our loved ones who are no longer here with us but are ALWAYS IN OUR HEARTS. There are so very many who are in our hearts and who we will always fight for in their memory and who will push us to keep fighting as they smile down on us and remind us that we need to keep supporting cancer research so that new discoveries can be made and cures found, while also bringing HOPE, something that you can never ever have too much of!
As mentioned already, I've signed up for both of the PMCs this year and my first two donors are in the books - They are my Mom and Dad (they donated to the Winter at Fenway (even being from Yankee land, they still donated :-) They also donated to the August PMC. Unfortunately, both donations can't be seen yet on my profile page but I'm working on that - they sent in checks which slows the process slightly but it gets donated eventually! Their support brings so much HOPE for so many reasons and if you are able, I'm writing today to ask for your support as well. You can support both PMCs as they did or just one or donate twice to one or both! 100% of the money raised goes to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and the research done there is shared around the world with everyone TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT (even a pandemic can't stop this!)
Plus, I'm starting fundraising early this year - one reason is that it's a pandemic, so fundraising is something you can do easily and safely from home and without needing a mask there as well! The other and most important reason, is that it's easy to see, how committed the Dana Farber is to making sure that patients diagnosed with cancer prior to or during this pandemic are cared for as if it were non-pandemic times and that cancer research is continued and that more discoveries are made and cures are found - we need more discoveries and cures and all of us TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT can make that happen - we have already done this for many of the cancers but we need to keep doing it so that no one ever needs to hear the words, you have cancer or if they do, they are followed by the words and we have a treatment that will allow you to live for many, many years.
If you are able to support the PMC in 2021, you can donate via the link on this page, it also appears there is a Venmo option (and I'm looking into that.) Or, like my Mom and Dad, Rosalie and Mike, you can also send checks to me - I'll give you my address, if you'd like to do that (obviously, my parents have it memorized, so they can also help you send a check to the Dana Farber too!)
My heart is overflowing with gratitude for your generousity and support of this cause and for your never ending committment to this fight against cancer and being in this with me, TOGHETHER, NO MATTER WHAT!
With love and gratitude always - be safe and stay safe and stay HOPE filled and TOGETHER, NO MATTER WHAT!
July 2020 PMC Note
We are living in challenging times with HOPE: Saying these are challenging times is an understatement for certain and as I write my Pan Mass Challenge 2020 letter my first thoughts go to you and your loved ones filled with HOPE that all of you are safe and healthy. For some of you, I know this is not the case and to you, I send extra love and healing thoughts and added HOPE, that brings you strength and resilience during these challenging times. Hopefully you know that you are not alone in them and are always surrounded by LOVE - We are in this TOGETHER, no matter what!
There is so much LOVE in the world: Knowing there is so much LOVE in the world and around each of us, even in the midst of this pandemic, is what brings me HOPE. It is also one of my motivations for the 2020 Pan Mass Challenge (PMC), which supports the Dana Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) and all of the amazing research and care that is delivered there each day, for all types of cancers and to people of all ages, even during these times of Covid. PMC 2020 – Reimagined, is such an important PMC year (the 17th for me and between the 1st or 41st for all of the other rider.) In case you didn’t realize it, DFCI has not stopped caring for patients, performing cancer research or offering clinical trials during this pandemic and this is due in a large part to your generous support of this fight against all cancers- We are in this TOGETHER, no matter what!
Financial challenges: The pandemic has impacted each of us financially in different ways as well and is one reason writing this letter to you is difficult. Please do not feel obligated to donate this year but if you are able to donate, the impact you will be making will be enormous - I can say this with first-hand experience. Cancer hasn’t checked out or taken a break during the pandemic and neither do the people who take care of patients or are associated with all of the cancer research and trials performed there. As a matter of fact, everyone at DFCI has had to work even harder to make sure care and research didn’t and doesn’t stop (and it definitely didn’t!) Due to this commitment, more HOPE was delivered to so many. If you want to hear from one of the many amazing people at the Dana who can speak to how your generous support brings HOPE click this LINK and watch this short video of my oncologist, Dr. Erin Winer (a PMC riders as well!) My heart is and has been filled with HOPE during these times and for the almost 17 years that I have been a patient there. Dana Farber Cancer Institute has amazing caretakers and researchers who give unselfishly of themselves each day to care for patients and dedicate themselves to finding new treatments and cures for all cancers all while filling our hearts and those of our loved ones with HOPE and GRATITUDE. If you are able to this year, please consider supporting this important cause. We are all in this fight, TOGETHER no matter what! There are two ways you can do this:
PMC 2020 – Reimagined: As you might imagine, the PMC in 2020 is not running in the same way it has for the last 40+ years. Having 5,000 people sleeping in dorms or tents and sharing PB&J sandwiches from a tray (making 10,000 hands touching those sandwiches-YIKES) would not be a healthy or safe way to host the event – even if I weren’t a Virologist in a former career, I would still feel this way! At the same time, it’s not being cancelled either. Instead it’s being “Reimagined” by each rider so that HOPE and SUPPORT can still be delivered to everyone who has heard the words “you have cancer” or has been with or is with a loved one who has. It should be noted that one thing that has not been reimagined is the “Sweatiest Person” crown and my desire to retain it…but more on that next paragraph!
202.0 Miles PMC Weekend: My reimagined PMC will involve riding a total of 202.0 miles PMC weekend (a bit longer than the last 16 I’ve ridden – I’m going with a 2020 mile them and 202.0 seemed more achievable than 2,020 miles in one weekend, although, I would definitely win the “Sweatiest Person” crown with that type of mileage!) I’ll start riding on Friday and finish on Sunday, August 2nd (of course I’ll also, sleep, eat and sweat too over that time too!) – I thought about making my PMC 2020 Reimagined a 20.20 mile ride (and feel I could still win the “Sweatiest Person” crown) but this fight against cancer deserves more time on the bike and hopefully more funds raised for this important cause. During that weekend the ride will include some very important people who have been a part of my cancer care and journey. Many I’ve mentioned or shared pictures of over the years due to the impact they have and have had in my life and the lives of so many others. Since being diagnosed in 2003 with Breast Cancer and as I continue to live with Metastatic Breast Cancer today, due to my recurrence in 2013, my commitment to this fight has never lessened and won’t ever, either. Each visit to the DFCI (and even more so in these times of Covid) just confirms why this cause is so important to support and raise awareness for with loved ones here and across the globe. We are all in this fight, TOGETHER no matter what!
Ribbons of Loved Ones Motivate Me: I’ll also be wearing my ribbons, with names of your loved ones, every single mile. I have created an additional ribbon set, which I wore as part of my first PMC Winter Cycle at Fenway Park (even Yankee fans were allowed to participate in it!) I’ll be wearing both sets of ribbons on PMC weekend and keep them close by when I’m not riding as a reminder of all those we love and who have had a cancer diagnosis. Their LOVE and memory is with me and inspires me each mile that I ride and keeps me pedaling even up the steepest hill! I also think of each of them each training ride…if you’re reading this letter still (and given Covid free time making more time for reading, hopefully you are) know that each person is also thought of on my training rides. Each one brings a smile and strength and a push to keep pedaling! If you have names of loved ones that you’d like me to add to my ribbons, please send them along. We are all in this fight, TOGETHER no matter what!
Amazing Caretakers and Research: Since the start of the pandemic, Dana Farber Cancer Institute has not stopped caring for patients. I know this first hand, since as a metastatic breast cancer patient, I have regular visits at the Dana and am currently participating in a clinical trial to compare the efficacy of two known cancer treatments, to see if the combo vs the drugs alone, give improved results. This and other research keeps occurring even in this time of Covid 19 and your generosity is making this possible and is bringing so much HOPE to so many people. I’ve seen compassion and kindness that is beyond words, with each visit to the Dana and it was seen from the moment I walked into the hospital in March, April, May and June of this year and I know I will see this when I am in for my monthly check up and scans in July. YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORT makes all of this possible and for this my heart and so many others are filled with GRATITUDE, LOVE and HOPE – THANK YOU for your LOVE, GENEROSITY and SUPPORT – you are making a difference in the lives of so many people and bringing so much HOPE with the new discoveries for cancer treatments and patient care and we are doing this TOGETHER NO MATTER WHAT!
P.S. If you want to ride with me any part of PMC weekend let me know, although I must warn you…it will be a sweaty ride (since the “Sweatiest Person” crown is once again up for grabs!)
PMC Winter Cycle 2020 Message:
2020 will be the year of two PMCs- one will be inside at Fenway Park on Saturday, January 25, 2020 (my first indoor PMC or Winter Cycle) and the other in August (#17!) Riding in both Pan Mass Challenges (PMC) is part of a commitment I made in 2004, to give back and be part of efforts for raising money for cancer research and care, I am riding my bike, this Saturday and the first weekend in August, from Wellesley, MA to Provincetown and along with you, raising money for this very important cause and sharing stories of the impact your generous support has had and will continue to have! Plans to be crowned Sweatiest Person once again, of the PMC also exist but more on that later (and I am certain this will happen at the indoor PMC on Saturday at Fenway!)
Cancer Research Support Is Needed Today: Last year, a friend asked our oncologist, Dr. Eric Winer “What’s holding you back from more progress if you think a cure isn’t too far away and how can I help?” Eric’s answer was simple… “Raise money”. He is and was correct and he has been since we first met..Raising money for cancer research definitely has an impact and needs to continue. Thankfully, all of you have supported and continue to support Eric’s answer and have since the first Pan Mass Challenge (PMC) ride email was sent from me to all of you in 2004 (and when I was first crowned “Sweatiest Person of the Pan Mass Challenge Ride!) THANK YOU for this generous support! My hope for 2020 is that you will continue to support this important cause and with the POWER OF US TOGETHER, we can raise $25,000 (or more) for cancer research (something we haven’t done together in one year…yet!) I’m ready to ride August 2-3 and I know that you ready to raise money with me so that more research can be funded and discoveries made and if you like, you can ride too and even compete for the “Sweatiest Person” crown! Here’s a link to my PMC page to help get us to our goal of $25,000 (and my “Sweatiest Person” crown):
Your Support Has and Will Continue to Make an Impact on Cancer Research and Discoveries: There are so many examples of the impact that your support has had on cancer research and in finding new treatments. One example of the impact of research continues from a story I shared with you last year about a young girl, whose family I am friends with and who live in another state. At this time last year, they received a call from the Dana Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI), the hospital the PMC funds support, to let them know that a new trial and drug was available for their daughter and that the genomic testing of her tumor made it appear that the drug could be the treatment they were waiting for…and it appears that it was and is! You may have seen her story on the news if you live in the Boston area – it’s an amazing one and in a large part, due to the funding of cancer research and trials at the DFCI. The next story is one that shows that more support is needed for cancer research and trials. It’s the story of my friend, Duncan who asked Eric, how she can help. Some of you may have met her or known her – she was a person who embraced life and was always thinking of ways to raise more money for cancer research and wanting to help others – even the week before she passed away, in May of this year, she was talking about this with me and that she knew that more could be done and more progress could be made and I know we all agree with her. On my PMC Profile page you can see a picture of both of us and her son Alec. We are “raising money” in that picture (a check to the PMC and DFCI, that we raised over our heads and was possible due to your generosity and support of this important cause, in 2018.) The link HERE is a video of Duncan and Eric discussing “Project Pink” and shows how important this cause of cancer research is and how important raising money for cancer trials and discoveries is. Also, you’ll see a number of people in this video which also shows what my heart is most grateful for which is the POWER OF US TOGETHER, doing this – Without you, none of the cancer research, trials, care and discoveries that have been made, are needed and will be made, would never be possible – THANK YOU for making it possible!
What the PMC Means: Since my first year of riding the Pan Mass Challenge (PMC) in 2004, after my Breast Cancer diagnosis in late 2003, the PMC has always been about the POWER OF US TOGETHER and the impact we have had and will continue to have via your generous support, in finding new cancer treatments through your generosity which supports more research and research studies and that will one day, allow us to find a cure for all cancers. This year, the power of US is even more profound, as you can see and I've added to the statement of the POWER OF US TOGETHER, the word ALWAYS, since we need to have this power ALWAYS present. If it is, no matter what, HOPE will be given and great discoveries will be made! My profile picture for 2019 is one great example of the POWER OF US TOGETHER, ALWAYS in this fight and the inspiration for my 2019 Super Sweet 16 PMC since this will be my 16th year of riding the PMC (or is it my Super Sweat 16 year, since I plan to be crowned Sweatiest Person of the PMC once again!) The picture was taken at the PMC Heavy Hitter event in November 2018. All three of us in the picture have ridden on the same PMC team, formerly known as Team WOW but as of May 2019, now known as Team Duncan. There are a number of us on the team but the larger percentage of the team are Duncan's family members, her husband Tom and their other sons, Cavan, Duncan and Will plus many of Duncan's siblings and other relatives (which gives you one bit of insight into the team name change, Eric, who is also a PMC rider, decided to make. His decision to change the name is definitely connected to the POWER OF US TOGETHER, ALWAYS. 100% of the money generously donated by you to each rider in the PMC goes to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI) and will have an impact, today, tomorrow and ALWAYS on cancer research, care and finding a cure and brings HOPE to so many people each day and ALWAYS.
Dana Farber Cancer Institute Is Outstanding: DFCI in Boston is an outstanding cancer care and research institute, with amazing people, caring each day for every patient, their family and friends as part of their cancer journey. I’ve mentioned Eric already, but Jen M, Kelly, Michael, Jen A, Megan, Michelle, Deb, Carla, Sandy, Liz and so many others are a part of this committed and loving group of people. Even those who were once at the DFCI or moved to other hospitals around the globe, such as Dr. Tim Ernst and Lori are amazing and still a part of this journey for me and so many others! I know this first hand, since first being diagnosed with Breast Cancer in 2003 and also know the positive impact your support has had and continues to have on cancer research, trials and care. You and your generous support along with all of these amazing caregivers is another example of the POWER OF US TOGETHER, ALWAYS and fills my heart with gratitude. Today, I am participating in my 4th clinicial trial, being conducted at the DFCI – this trial exists due to your generosity. Thanks to you, teams there have worked tirelessly to create this trial (which over 600 participants are enrolled) and each person is committed to ensure it is managed with the most positive outcomes possible and best patient care. This is only one of so many other trials that are run each day at the DFCI because of your support and the POWER OF US TOGETHER, ALWAYS! My heart and so many others are grateful to you for making this all possible!
For Our Loved Ones: As in years past, please send me any names of loved ones to add to my ribbons that I wear while I ride the PMC to Provincetown. They always inspire me not only on that weekend but every day I train and think of them and this cause. Each time I ride, I think of all of our loved ones and it keeps me pedaling and pushing harder for this important cause so that more research can be funded and discoveries can be madej. The 2020 TWO PMCs - POWER OF US TOGETHER, ALWAYS is what is and will make this possible.
How You Can Help: My heart is filled beyond words, with gratitude for your generous support of this cause and my hope is that you will consider supporting this important cause this year in any way that you can. THANK YOU to all of you who have already donated and THANK YOU to those who will! You will be making a difference in the lives of so many people since your support will fund more research and clinical trials, all of which will allow new treatment discoveries and patient care regimens to be made that impact all people diagnosed with cancer, while bringing them HOPE, RESILIENCE and INSPIRATION, all through the POWER OF US TOGETHER, ALWAYS. There are three ways to support this important cause:
- Donate online at this link:
- Send a check to me (if you don't have my address, call or email me)
- Venmo (since I am now high tech and have a Venmo account, not just checks!)
Each day, I am so very grateful for your love and support of this important cause and of me and that we are able to raise money to fund more research and support more clinical trials, discover new treatments and bring HOPE to all of us with the 2020 TWO PMCs - POWER OF US TOGETHER, ALWAYS!
With a gratitude and a love filled heart, ALWAYS – THANK YOU!
P.S. Please feel free to forward this email to others - this will bring more 2020TWO PMCs - POWER OF US TOGETHER, ALWAYS for this cause
P.S.S. Be on the look out for an invitation to my Super Sweet or Sweat 17 PMC post ride party - hopefully I can show off my Sweatiest Person crown at the party!
My Links
I have chosen to keep all of my donors' information confidential; therefore it is not displayed on my PMC public donor list.
2025 | $328.55 | Wellesley to Provincetown Inn (2-Day) |
$2,220.00 | PMC Winter Cycle | |
2024 | $15,058.91 | Wellesley to Provincetown Monument (2-Day) |
$1,920.00 | PMC Unpaved | |
$400.00 | PMC Winter Cycle | |
2023 | $25,220.15 | Wellesley to Provincetown Monument (2-Day) |
2022 | $20,504.69 | Wellesley to Provincetown Monument (2-Day) |
$50.00 | PMC Winter Cycle | |
2021 | $31,505.80 | Wellesley to Bourne + Wellesley Century (2-Day) |
$100.00 | PMC Winter Cycle | |
2020 | $15,473.70 | Wellesley to Provincetown Monument (2-Day) |
$750.00 | PMC Winter Cycle | |
2019 | $20,934.38 | Wellesley to Provincetown Monument (2-Day) |
2018 | $14,462.75 | Wellesley to Provincetown Monument (2-Day) |
2017 | $17,788.13 | Wellesley to Provincetown Monument (2-Day) |
2016 | $12,630.56 | Wellesley to Provincetown Monument (2-Day) |
2015 | $12,012.25 | Wellesley to Bourne (1-Day, Sat) |
2014 | $9,624.00 | Wellesley to Provincetown Monument (2-Day) |
2013 | $7,207.00 | Wellesley to Bourne (1-Day, Sat) |
2012 | $9,315.00 | Wellesley to Provincetown Monument (2-Day) |
2011 | $8,492.00 | Wellesley to Provincetown Monument (2-Day) |
2010 | $8,885.00 | Wellesley to Provincetown Monument (2-Day) |
2009 | $8,723.00 | Wellesley to Provincetown Inn (2-Day) |
2008 | $13,900.00 | Wellesley to Provincetown Inn (2-Day) |
2007 | $12,860.00 | Wellesley to Provincetown Inn (2-Day) |
2006 | $8,330.24 | Sturbridge to Provincetown Inn (2-Day) |
2005 | $6,935.00 | Sturbridge to Provincetown Monument (2-Day) |
2004 | $6,050.00 | Wellesley to Bourne (1-Day, Sat) |