This coming weekend I will be riding my 17th Pan Mass Challenge (PMC) ride from Sturbridge, MA to Provincetown, MA (2 days - 197 miles) to raise money for research at The Dana Farber Cancer Institute (DFCI).
While training never seems to get easier, writing this "ask for support" for the 17th time seems a bit much as well.
The last several years I’ve ridden in memory of my sister Gail who passed from uterine cancer in 2022, as well as my first cousin Brenda, who passed from cancer not to long after Gail and my sister-in-law Andrea who passed from ovarian cancer.
Cancer knows no boundaries and impacts far too many people. We all know that, and ...
There are an ever-growing number of people who have been blessed to beat cancer because of the amazing research and hard work that the folks at DFCI do every day. The treatments and drugs that come out of DFCI rank it as one of the country's top cancer research institutions.
Once again, I would like to ask you to please generously support my ride and the folks at DFCI. Please know that because of the generous corporate donors who cover the cost of the weekend ...
100% of every dollar you donate goes to support research at DFCI!
Thank you for your continued support of my ride and the amazing work the folks at DFCI do to beat cancer!