Anyway you slice it, cancer sucks. That's how my brother Art, who died in 2003, summed up his diagnosis of lung cancer. (Don't get me wrong: Art was born with a positive attitude, and it sustained him during his illness and in a manner that continues to inspire me. But Art's summation of his diagnosis echoes true.) Unfortunately, his sentiment was unoriginal.
Over the past few years, one of our collective observations is that science really matters. This year, I am riding in my 19th Pan Mass Challenge. When oncologic science is celebrated, for example, mRNA vaccines can be derived because science cross-polinates itself!
That is, gains in cancer research often infuses understanding into other diseases. And gains in immunology focused on cancer led to important vaccines employed during the pandemic.
My rides began as a tribute to my brother, Art, who died of lung cancer at 49, nineteen years ago. In 2021, I lost my 68-year-old brother David to ALS. And in 2022, some of my own cells went awry, so for the second year I will my saddle without a prostate. I am riding to salute both my brothers who each loved bicycling, to celebrate (with your help) raising a generous amount of money, and to acknowledge that progress in cancer will ripple through other diseases and promote breakthroughs throught medical care.
Thank you for your generosity.