For the 2nd time this August, I will participate as a rider in the Pan-Mass Challenge (PMC) and bike 90 miles in 1 day. In it's 1980 inception, the PMC was a creative way for a few dozen friends to raise awareness for cancer research. Today, the PMC is now the most successful athletic fundraiser in the world- having raised over 1 Billion dollars for the Dana Farber Cancer institute over its history.
Why I ride:
Cancer is relentlessly focused. The only way to take it down is with an equally focused counter-effort. That’s exactly the outlet the PMC has provided for me, my loved ones, and 10,000s of other participants since 1980.
I ride because I, like most of us, have loved ones affected by cancer in some form. The past few years have been particularly difficult for our family with the loss of several members of our family. I ride for the grandparents, uncles and friends I have lost as well as those I know who continue to fight.
I also ride as part of a team “Next Generation.” We are now ~100+ under 35 PMC participants who ride in support of each other and the larger organization to find a cure.
For the 2nd time this August, I will participate as a rider in the Pan-Mass Challenge (PMC) and bike 90 miles in 1 day. In it's 1980 inception, the PMC was a creative way for a few dozen friends to raise awareness for cancer research. Today, the PMC is now the most successful athletic fundraiser in the world- having raised over 1 Billion dollars for the Dana Farber Cancer institute over its history.
Why I ride:
Cancer is relentlessly focused. The only way to take it down is with an equally focused counter-effort. That’s exactly the outlet the PMC has provided for me, my loved ones, and 10,000s of other participants since 1980.
I ride because I, like most of us, have loved ones affected by cancer in some form. The past few years have been particularly difficult for our family with the loss of several members of our family. I ride for the grandparents, uncles and friends I have lost as well as those I know who continue to fight.
I also ride as part of a team “Next Generation.” We are now ~100+ under 35 PMC participants who ride in support of each other and the larger organization to find a cure.
I have chosen to keep all of my donors' information confidential; therefore it is not displayed on my PMC public donor list.