Rebecca Clemente's PMC
Rebecca Clemente's PMC
MY PMC Total
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PMC ID - RC0316
PMC ID - RC0316
Why I Ride ...
I ride for all those I have lost to various cancers - my mother, my grandfather, my aunt, many clients, colleagues, and dear friends. I ride for all those who are surviving a cancer diagnosis. I ride for continued research, more effective cancer treatment options, and hope that a cancer diagnosis will be less life threatening. I ride for continued strength, endurance, support, love, and care for all those living with cancer, as well as their caretakers. Each year, I hear more stories of successful treatments and more hopeful prognoses of individuals near and dear to me. Many of you are those success stories. I dedicate this year's ride to those I know who have been diagnosed this year. May you soon be another success story.
Why I Ride ...
I ride for all those I have lost to various cancers - my mother, my grandfather, my aunt, many clients, colleagues, and dear friends. I ride for all those who are surviving a cancer diagnosis. I ride for continued research, more effective cancer treatment options, and hope that a cancer diagnosis will be less life threatening. I ride for continued strength, endurance, support, love, and care for all those living with cancer, as well as their caretakers. Each year, I hear more stories of successful treatments and more hopeful prognoses of individuals near and dear to me. Many of you are those success stories. I dedicate this year's ride to those I know who have been diagnosed this year. May you soon be another success story.
My Supporters
I have chosen to keep all of my donors' information confidential; therefore it is not displayed on my PMC public donor list.