Dear family and friends:
The best laid know the rest of the expression. I had previously said that this year was to be my swan song for the PanMass Challenge. I have had the pleasure of riding with my oldest son, Andrew, the last 2 years and this year we were going to be joined by my other son, Mitch, who is now finally done with law school.
In December, Andrew gave us the amazing news that we will be blessed with our first grandchild at the end of July and so he will be unable to ride this year. So now, Mitch and I will take to the road without Andrew and my PanMass retirement is on hold....maybe until I can ride with both of my boys and my soon to be grandchild!! The photo above is of Mitch and me after a recent training ride in Houston.
As most of you know, the PanMass Challenge raises more money for charity than any other single event in the country, with over $972 million having been raised since 1980, all of which benefits the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, as we push for a cure to cancer. It will be my honor to again ride on Team CRUS11TOUR, which itself raised over $1 million last year and I look forward to celebrating with everyone this year as the PanMass Challenge breaks the $1 billion mark in cumulative contributions.
I am humbled by your past support of my rides and I respectfully ask that you support me again this year, irrespective of the amount. Every dollar helps. I am stepping up my game this year and I will personally match the first $10,000 in donations that I receive and the first $1,000 in donations that Mitch receives. So now you know that it will be more than my bottom that will be hurting when my ride is complete!!
We are all in this together. This insidious disease impacts everyone, whether family, friend or colleague. Please join me in this fight. All the best, Rob