Every rider of the PMC has a story of why they ride. Mine is similar to many others in that I lost my life partner and soul mate, Nancy to this insidious disease in April of 2018. Her compromised quality of life and chronic pain was difficult to witness for the two years she fought the battle. Whatever I can do to memorialize her memory is reason enough to take on this task.
PMC 2023 is my fifth and FINAL year of participation. Every year has been a different route and has been and continues to be supported by my best friend, Melissa Barrette Maginnis. Her Winter Cycle participation, voluteerism, VERY early morning rides to the starts, and most of all her understanding of the PMC Mission continues to inspire . The first year 2019, was the 192 mile two day jaunt from Sturbridge to PTown. Second year because of Covid, the PMC Reimagined was a, "Trip Down Memory Lane". My daughter Kristen and I started where I grew up in West Roxbury. We rode to Dorchester by the house Nancy grew up in, our first apartment, and St. Brendan's Church where we were married. We continued onto Bridgewater where we raised our children, stopped to see some very generous donors, and visited Nancy's grave. We continued on to Kristen's house in Middleboro to celebrate. The next year Kristen and I did the inaugural Wellesley Century Ride which was 100 miles that started and ended at Babson College. Last Year I rode Cape Cod Route from Bourne to Provincetown with Cheri Reed Mullaney (My nephew's wife) and my very good friend Tom Arrighi. I could not keep up with them, so this year I will be riding 82 miles alone from Wellesley to Bourne. I will also be riding in memory of one of my best friends. Bill Sullivan also passed away from this insidious disease on December 31, 2020.
Prior to my participation in the PMC, I never seriously rode a bike since I had a paper route in Junior High, (Sully loved to tell the story of my brother's German Shepherd trying to bite him while delivering the West Roxbury Transcript). The training is sometimes grueling and overwhelming, but it s worth every moment when you experience the event and see the good that comes of it. The word cult always sems to have a negative connotation, but the PMC cult is the most positive inspirational event to experience. Another inspiration is my children. They have supported me and this effort each in their own way. I am eternally grateful to them and all who have reached deep to support this cause.
Thank you for reading this profile, and of course for your generous donation to, Find A Cure! #PMC2023