Dear Family and Friends,
I very much hope that all is well with all of you, your families and loved ones here in 2025!
Why do I ride? I am very grateful to enter 2025 with Maria, my best friend and wife, healthy and still in remission. During the height of the Covid pandemic she was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma and underwent an extremely difficult year of chemotherapy and other treatments; all with a heightened concern about her immune system being compromised from the treatments. She still goes for periodic scans and blookwork and we are grateful that they continue to monitor her should additional treatment be required. I also ride in memory of my Dad who bravely spent the last years of his life battling Leukemia. In addition, I ride for the far too numerous loved ones that we all have collectively lost and for those who are currently being treated.
The commitment continues in 2025 -- this will be my ninth (9th) year supporing Dana Farber and the Jimmy Fund as a fundraiser and PMC rider. Last year, you helped raise over $8,000 for the cause. This was possible because of people like you supporting the cause over the years. This year my goal is to help raise $10,000. Thank you, thank you, thank you for *your commitment* and helping to make this possible.
Please, please as you make your way through 2025 think about donating again (or for the first time) to support the work being done by Dana Farber and the Jimmy Fund to help and support Cancer patients and their families. You can read more about Dana Farber; e.g., the types of Cancers they treat, the type of treatments they offer, trials underway, support available for patients and families, and on-going research and innovation here at this link: History and Milestones | Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
My training for the ride in August has started, like every year, in the basement and on the bike trainer. My fundraising goals are $10,000+ this year. Let's make it happen!
One mile at a time!
PS. I have already registered and paid (all my lodging, transportation, food, clothing) for my PMC ride. It's important to call out that none of that comes out of your donations. My plan in 2024 is to ride PMC Day 0, the unofficial PMC prequal century (100-miles) ride on Friday from the NY border to Sturbridge. I'll then ride the first official day of the PMC on Saturday from Sturbridge to Bourne (110 miles). And then on Sunday, I'll ride the second official day of the PMC ride from Bourne to Provincetown on Cape Cod - approximately 80 miles.