Family and Friends:
on August 2nd, and 3rd, I will be riding 187 miles in the 2025 Pan Mass Challenge, in an effort to fund the fight against Cancer at Dana Farber Cancer Institute.
Thanks to so many others who donate to my efforts each year, this will be my TENTH year riding! Over the past nine years, with the help of so many, we have raised more than $127,500! This year I have set my personal goal at $19,000. Cancer impacts all of us. 1 in 2 men will have Cancer in his lifetime and 1 in three woman. Plus, everyone of us is impacted, if not personally, then by a loved one's fight. I ride because I want to make a difference, and I know I can. I've been riding since I graduated High School back in 1979 and I don't know if I could live w/o a bike. I ride because someone needs to do this and it's very important.
As with the past 9 years, I need your help. I may do the cycling, but I don't ride alone. So many of you are with me with your love and encouragement. None the less, I can tell you that through the years, I have hit a wall at least once each year. Panic starts to set in. How can I finish... But thinking about the names on my Jersey, friends and family of so many of you, I feel what I can only call spiritual strengthening. So, when I say I need your help, I truly do.
So I am doing this again and I need your help. Please consider a donation. 100% of every dollar raised goes directly to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. And now that I'm part of Team Brentwheels, 50% of the funds go to fighting Neuroblastoma, and the other 50% go to the General Fund at Dana Farber.
You can donate on this page.
Or you can donate via my PMC Facebook fundraising page:
Or you can send a check, made payable to The Pan Mass Challenge and mail it to my home:
Neil Vigliotta, 99 Lincoln Road, Sutton, MA 01590
Love and Peace!
P.S. If you'd like to investigate and learn more about the PMC, check out this link: