This is my first year riding in the PMC. When Team Duncan and OOFOS reached out looking for more riders, I excited to raise my hand and hop on my bike to support the team. This 2-day event starting on August 3rd, will take me from Wellesley, MA to Bourne, MA on day 1 and from Bourne, MA to the Provincetown Monument on day 2.
While there are a billion reasons to ride the PMC, I am riding in honor of Tim Oliveri. Tim was the big brother to Linda Spengler, my friend and co-worker. In May of 2019, Tim was unexpectly diganosed Pacreatic Cancer. Prior to his diagnosis, Tim was an avid bike rider. healthy eater and all around active guy. Tim's was an amazing big brother to Linda, an amazing Dad and son and a true friend to many. His diagnosis was devastaing to everyone he touched.
Tim's cancer came quickly, within a week of his diagnosis he became jaundice and was unable to return to work other than to return his tools. Linda along with other family members quickly jumped in to take him into Boston for treatments. Tim's goal was to live long enough to see his twin girls graduate from high school in 4 years, sadly, he did not make it his goal. Tim passed away surrounded by his family 3 days after Christmas in 2019.
Tim was an avid mountain biker and his ashes are spread along his favorite trail. As I ride the PMC, I'll be thinking of Tim and his family and hoping that the money we raise will give others like Tim, the opportuity to see their child's graduation and/or next Christmas.
You can learn more about our team by clicking here Team Duncan. In addtion our team will be supporting pediatric Pedal Partner, Norma Rose.
I appreicate your support and hope you will join me in my fundrasing effort. My fundraising goal is $6,000. There are a few ways in which you can support my ride:
- Donate right here on my PMC Fundraising Page
- Venmo me @nicole-green-641 (please put PMC in the notes)
- Mail me a check made out to PMC and put NG0130 in the notes
Thank you for your time and considering a donation, I appreicate all your support! I will be documenting my training on Instagram @greenveg. I hope you will join me in my journey.