I did my first,192mi/2 day ride from Sturbridge to Provincetow with the Pan Mass challenge in 1999.
My participation started because I wanted to be able to do something that would help my family and others who were gong thru cancer treatments. I was so impressed with the Organization, spirit and people that I met, that i have participated and contributed ever since. I was also impressed by how many of us have been affected by Cancer.The PMC is set up , so that 100% of the dollars donated go to the Charity!! the other costs...Administration,etc are cover by Corporate Sponsors. I have been and continue to be, involved in other Charities and events. I have never seen anything that has such a spirit, camraderie and commitment ,which brings people back year after year to Participate , and help in this worthy cause.
In 2019, I found out that I had stage 4, metatastic NSCLung cancer, even though I was unsymptomatic. I called PMC, to find out who I should be talking with at Dana Farber, because I was dealing with another hospital, that was ready to put me on Chemo, because they had looked for a mutation to see about targeted therapy, but were unable to find. The folks at PMC put me in touch with Dr. Bruce Johnson who did a full biometric study and found a rare RET mutation that got me into a trial and allowed me to change treatments as needed . I am still in treatment currently but was in Remission for 8 mo. and hope to be again. I have met so many wonderful health care folks at DFCI, that i know it is a special group of people, who truly care about their patients as individuals.
. I am now a Patient and living proof rider for Team Lung strong. I appreciate the opportunity to not only help others but My family as well! I look forward to what our dollars raised will do for others in the future
I am now going into my sixth year of treatment and have started to go to the DFCI center in Metheuen which is only a 25 min drive vs 2-3 hours to go into Boston. This convenience has made my life less complicated and i have the complete acess to DFCI whereever is most convenient which is another wonderful benefit of their tremendous care. I can't ride with my team "lungstrong" because of my treatments but I will ride 3000 miles by myself over the year 2025 to raise momey for PMC. I have been riding 5-6 days a week in Jan and will keep that up until warm enough to ride outside. I miss doing the ride wiyh teammates but this keeps me incentivised to stay strong, help other as I HELP MYSELF!! It is is because of the PMC and my commitment, to helping which has allowed me to keep going for 6 yrs. and hopefully longer!!! Thank you for cohelping all of us on this journey! Nick