I'm a proud supporter of the PMC because it is leading the charge to beat cancer.
This will be my eleventh year riding the PMC. I will be riding with my buddies Dennis Swinford and Jonathan Ginnis and of course my team, The Turkey Hill Gang en route from Sturbridge to Provincetown. I'm sure it will be great fun, as always. The community and camaraderie is always fantastic.
I ride in honor and remembrance of my father who lost his life to brain cancer in 1982 and my mother in law Lois Martin who succumbed to pancreatic cancer in 2014 after a seven year battle.
I think of my dad and Lois every day. We had so many adventures and fun times together.
Of course, I also ride on behalf of my family that is my safe harbor and happy place, my two boys Charlie and Max and my wife Sara.
I also ride in honor and support of all the people who are living and fighting this deadly disease on a daily basis.
There have been huge strides made in the treatment of cancer over the past few years and they continue! In fact over the past five years, 50% of the FDA approved cancer treatments have come from Dana Farber. Your donations over my past ten rides are much appreciated and humbling. Through your generosity, I have raised over $71,000 towards cancer research. The PMC is the largest athletic fund raiser in the world dedicated to beat cancer and I am a proud participant.
Please donate often and whatever you can! :) Every little bit helps and 100% of your donation goes to the Dana Farber Cancer Institute.
I am very much looking forward to representing all of you again this year riding for the cure of cancer.