Team Mason –
Here we go again! Our 11th year riding! We leave for Sturbridge on Friday August 2nd for an early, Saturday morning start toward the Cape where we will finish Sunday afternoon.
It feels nearly impossible that 11+ years have gone by since Mason’s diagnosis, but here we are gratefully. Mason turned 13 back in March. We officially have a TEENAGER. Feels surreal. Eleven and a half years ago, we weren't certain we would get here. It’s easy to look at Mase and view him like a normal kid because he is. He’s a regular, summer camping, third degree brown belting, Nintendo playing, Gatorade drinking teen with a heart of gold and a glimmer in his eyes incapable of being dimmed. But nothing about how Mason has gotten to this beautiful space of normal, is ordinary. His story is extraordinary; his sheer existence a miracle. And while we are happy that time has dulled the edges of some of the more difficult memories, we have to go back. We have to remember, because remembering where you have been informs where you want to be. And we want to live in a world where kids get to be kids and where families get to remain whole. So we go back and we remember.
Our child, our only child at the time, had cancer. It was devastating news, earth shattering really. Mase was only 18 months old at the time. No symptoms. The story as to how the doctors stumbled on it was too crazy to be anything but God’s intention. But it was everywhere. In his left adrenal gland, in his left femur, in his left fifth rib, in his left calvarium. Stage IV Neuroblastoma with every bad marker imaginable. Our sweet, resilient boy underwent 6 rounds of chemo, a major tumor resection, stem-cell transplant, rounds and rounds of radiation, 6+ months of experimental, painful immunotherapy, and countless clinic visits, x-rays, MRIs, nuclear scans, blood transfusions, and hospital stays. Our family is extraordinarily fortunate to be here, and I mean that in every way that “here” could be interpreted. We are here because Mason was afforded treatment options and a fighting chance that existed solely because of people like you. People who rallied behind a cause; who graciously and unrelentingly gave of themselves for the betterment of others. And there is so much more work to do. While we seemed to hit every treatment milestone, we were painfully aware of all the refractory cancers and all the relapses in the pediatric cancer world; the kids we followed who couldn’t get clean; the kids we followed who got clean but couldn’t stay clean; and the families who were not allowed to stay whole. To this day, 10+ years later, we say each of the names of all the kids we followed, every night, in prayer or remembrance. We keep them with us.
Team Mason, in the 10 years we’ve ridden thus far we have raised over $200K, every penny of which is being used to research or operationalize new therapies and treatments. Every donation is an opportunity to save a kid, just like Mason; to save a family just like ours. Let's make our 10th ride, the best yet.
This year the Pan Mas Challenge will (finger's crossed), break $1 Billion donated to Dana Farber since its inception. To be part of something this big, and to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that our pedalling has moved the dial and has saved lives and families, is something special.
I can never express to you the fullest extent of our gratitude. I can only say thank you...for your generosity, for your friendship, love, and prayers. And for sticking with us, as we work toward a world without the horrors of cancer.
This year I once again ask you to continue to ride alongside us. If you are able to, please donate via
It is also worth noting that matching-gift programs have been a key part of our fundraising success. If you have access to a corporate match, please reference my Rider ID (PMC ID: 79699-0) in your submission to ensure the funds route to our designated Neuroblastoma fund.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to me; or 203.913.6446
Until Every Child is Well,
Mike (Mason's Dad)