Dear Friends,
Time flies...I never imagined I would be riding in my 7th Pan Mass Challenge, yet I can't imagine not doing it! This Sunday marks 5 years since I lost my dear friend Duncan Finigan to metastatic breast cancer. What her friends & family continue to do in her name would thrill her beyond belief. Team Duncan now numbers over 100 riders. Last year we raised a little over $1 million collectively, and we are aiming to go even higher this year.
As background, the Pan Mass Challenge is a 2 day bike a thon, and the largest fundraiser for the world renowned Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston. Defeating cancer is Dana Farber's sole mission. 100% of the funds raised by the PMC go to Dana Farber, enabling them to continue their life saving research and treatment development. So this year, once again, I ask you, if possible to make a donation and to join our fight against cancer. I can’t thank you enough for the support.
You may donate online here, including with Venmo, give me a check in person, or send a check to the below address and I will be notified of your generosity. Also, if possible, matching corporate donations make a huge impact and DAF’s are accepted.
Thank you so much for your past support and for considering a donation this year,
Mary O’Brien
If mailing a check directly to the PMC, please put my name and ID # MO0158 in the memo line & address it to:
Mary O'Brien - MO0158
Pan Mass Challenge
77 4th Avenue
Needham, MA 02494