I have a wonderful group of close family friends who are riding with me in memory of Kerrie Massaro. Kerrie was my amazing wife & mother of our wonderful daughters Kathleen & Lauren. Additionally, she was a great daugther, sister, friend, mentor, teacher and coach. Kerrie fought breast cancer valiantly and was so supported by our family, friends, co-workers and medical team. My daughters and I are committed to doing what we can to be part of eradicating breast cancer and all cancers and this is one step to help complete the ongoing mission. Dana Farber was part of her team and we love that 100% of rider-raised revenue goes directly to support the Jimmy Fund and Dana-Farber Cancer Intstitute's commitment to finding a cure.
I know we all are asked to contribute to many worthwhile causes, I greatly appreciate your consideration and support by donating.. The group I am riding with is Mark Jamin, Tom O'Shea, Ben Leyland, Andrew Roth, Mike O'Connor and Mike Mahon our collective goal is to raise $50,000--- can donate to anyone on the team.
Since I am almost to my goal, please consider donating to my friends who are riding for PMC and are making a tribute to Kerrie. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Benjamin Leyland The PMC - Donate
Michael Mahon The PMC - Donate
Michael OConnor The PMC - Donate
Andrew Roth The PMC - Donate
Mark Jamin The PMC - Donate
Tom O'Shea The PMC - Donate
As a team we will be doing a number of events to help raise money and want to thank everyone for their love and support they have provided over the past 2+ years.