Hopping back on the bike for Year #4 of the PMC with Team HOPE!
After years of cheering for Pan-Mass riders, I hopped on the bike 3 years ago for my first Pan-Mass, a reimagined ride in the hills of New Hampshire. Two years ago in 2022, I participated in my first two-day ride from Sturbridge to Provincetown, and last year in 2023, I rode in my first full 2-day Pan-Mass with my aunt, Betsy, who is the reason I got involved with the Pan-Mass in the first place.
My whole life, I have grown up with many who I’ve known to have cancer and up until now, I’ve been lucky enough to mostly know people who have beaten cancer. This year, I lost a true friend to cancer, one of my high school mentors, Ms. Nef. I recently attended her celebration of life in May and everyone that spoke about her brought up the same thing: her infectious energy and radiating positivity. When she was diagnosed with a rare kidney cancer a few years ago, she didn’t let that stop her — she even used her chemistry knowledge to get closer to a cure! Ms. Nef was someone who loved whatever she was doing and loved wherever she was, and always made the effort to be there for her closest friends and family, even when she was living in China!
This year, I ride with Ms. Nef on my back, in hopes of getting closer to a cure as the Pan Mass reaches $1 billion in total fundraising to date, all donated to cancer care and research. If you are able to help me reach my $6,000 minimum this year, any amount is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your help this year; I could not do this without ALL of my supporters!!!