Year 11. I am committed.
18 years ago my mother was diagnosed with lung cancer. I started riding the Pan Mass Challenge as a way to do my part. To give back in honor of the doctors and researchers and nurses who are a big part of the reason my mother is still here today. But across these 10 years of riding, I have had to say goodbye to too many too soon. So many of us have. We have also celebrated many who overcame Cancer due to advances, and care. I myself have dealt with minor Cancer diagnoses. And so...I am committed. I continue to ride to do my part to kick Cancer to the curb. Together, we have raised more than 160K and together, we are closer by the mile. Thank you and big love and gratitude...
My original reason for doing the PMC is below:
Personally, I was introduced intimately to Cancer when my mother Judith was diagnosed with Lung Cancer in 2007. She was told in 2016 that her cancer is now considered CURED! This was due in great part to a phenomenal attitude and the amazing hospitals, doctors, researchers and caregivers available to her and our family. In 2022, my father had his own fight against vocal cord was caught early and because of research and treatment, he is now positively on the other side of his treatment. Several years ago, we lost my Mother-in-Law, Joan and my father-in-law, Gene to Cancer. We miss them tremendously. In ride for my family. I ride for my friends Beth and Julie, who we have lost. I ride in honor of all of my donor's loved ones. Together, and with all of those touched by Cancer in our hearts, we can do this...
Thank you so much for supporting me by joining the PMC family and committing to this important fight that touches us all. Please make your donation today.