Maire Elliott Ariniello's PMC
Maire Elliott Ariniello's PMC
MY PMC Total
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PMC ID - ME0080
PMC ID - ME0080
Why I Ride ...
It’s Pan Mass Challenge season once again!
Cancer struck me when things in life were just starting to get good. I went from thinking about grad schools and wedding favors to picking out wigs and learning to draw on fake eyebrows.
It’s been over ten years since I finished treatment and I am pleased to report that I got my MBA, got married, and got my eyebrows back! (Well, mostly back.)
I’m Living Proof that some cancers can be treated, but not everyone is as lucky.
This year I’m riding the 2 day, 162mi (261km) ride with Team Duncan (formerly Team WOW) renamed in memory of Duncan Finigan who was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer in October 2014. She rode the PMC for 4 years and lived every day like it was her last, until she lost her courageous battle in May 2019.

We are a team of 120 riders who have raised over $8.8m over 20 years with a 2024 goal of $1,000,000.
We’re not elite athletes. We’re just some passionate people on a mission to beat cancer.
Why I Ride ...
It’s Pan Mass Challenge season once again!
Cancer struck me when things in life were just starting to get good. I went from thinking about grad schools and wedding favors to picking out wigs and learning to draw on fake eyebrows.
It’s been over ten years since I finished treatment and I am pleased to report that I got my MBA, got married, and got my eyebrows back! (Well, mostly back.)
I’m Living Proof that some cancers can be treated, but not everyone is as lucky.
This year I’m riding the 2 day, 162mi (261km) ride with Team Duncan (formerly Team WOW) renamed in memory of Duncan Finigan who was diagnosed with Stage 4 breast cancer in October 2014. She rode the PMC for 4 years and lived every day like it was her last, until she lost her courageous battle in May 2019.

We are a team of 120 riders who have raised over $8.8m over 20 years with a 2024 goal of $1,000,000.
We’re not elite athletes. We’re just some passionate people on a mission to beat cancer.