
My Supporters

Kristin McKenna
Emily Hodge
Kristin and Jason Atwood

Go Mike!! See you tomorrow. ????

John Connery
Patti Connery

Good luck, Michael!

Andrew O’Neill

Get after it!

Michael Connery

Thank you Ryan Doyle for the support!

Tom Yardito

Good luck Miguel

Andrew Huntley $20.00
Erik Brazauskas

Go get em brother

Jess ho


Matt Lepley
Nancy and Jonathan Ayre $100.00
Nicholas Loffredo $100.00
Michael DiPrima

Good luck Mike

Christopher Noon

Goodluck Mike!

Rosanne DiPrima

Good luck buddy

Carol DiPerna

Go strong Michael!

Brian Connery

go get em bro!

Nicole O’Connor

Excited for your ride this year! Thank you for your commitment and being an example of strength and resilience in the advancements towards a disease that has impacted the lives of many. Xo, N & T

Barbara Connery

So happy that you find ways to inspire others! Much love and respect, Mom and Dad

My History

2024 $2,530.00 Wellesley to Wellesley (50 mile Sunday)
2023 $6,465.00 Sturbridge to Provincetown Inn (2-Day)