Nine years and almost $100,000 into the PMC, the mission stays the same. Eradicate cancer so that we can stop loosing our loved ones. While a lot of progress has been made over the last decade, there is still much more to do. This is why I ride, and will continue to ride in the PMC and raise money for Dana-Farber.
I ride in memory of George Marlborough. My Unlce George lost his battle this December at the age of 73. His passion for photography, music, the outdoors, and his family is something I will carry with me forever and I'll miss his stories and unwavering sense of humor.
I ride in memory of Mike Annis, the Man, the Rockstar, the Champion De Grand Prix, the PSOC Troubadour, the Heart of Rounder Records (for 30 years), the Boston Marathon Bombing Survivor, the Coworker, the Son, the Confidant, and a true inspiration to everyone lucky enough to know him.
I ride in memory of Mike Perreault aka Mikey P who passed away on July 15th, 2019 at the young age of 35. I met him through music and knew him briefly before he migrated to St. Johns. He was a kind soul who shouldn't have been taken away by this F'n disease.
I ride in memory of your loved ones - John Giangregorio, Mark Kasper, Patty Woodcome, Carolyn Butler Stout, Maitreya, Dorothea Frangos, Marianne Curcuru, Rita Byrne, Germaine Silver, Kara Nadeau, Patti Miller, Stefan Krieger, and Cynthia Bowers.
And I ride in honor of those who have all fought cancer and won - my father, my Uncle Tim, my Aunt Annie, and my brother-in-law Michael.
The PMC raises more than 57% of Dana Farber's annual budget — and this year it's poised to cross the 1 BILLION DOLLAR lifetime donation mark! This is money that has and will go towards life-saving cancer research and patient care.
My goal again this year is to raise $10,000 and cross the $100K total raised. I will be directing those funds to the GAIN & iCat2 Research Fund. This fund is focused on Precision Cancer Medicine research specifically for children with the goal of developing targeted and individualized treatments using genetic profiling. Genomic sequencing of pediatric solid tumors is much less commonly performed than in adult patients with solid tumors and an area of cancer research that desperately needs funding.