As a cancer survivor I am a lucky one!
My husband, Howie, and I are cancer survivors and we ride the Pan-Mass Challenge as members of Team FLAMES. The FLAMES are a proud supporter of the PMC because it is leading a charge to beat cancer. 100% of rider-raised revenue goes directly to support the Jimmy Fund and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute's tireless commitment to finding a cure.
Team FLAMES had over 21 survivors on the team last year - as well as 14 doctors and nurses at Dana Farber. We have a goal to raise $1.2 million this year. We ride for a cure, we ride to make a difference!
I am also fortunate to be blessed with five beautiful grandchildren - Luke, Noah, Jane, Huxley, and Brooke. A number of their grandparents and family members have fought difficult battles against cancer. I ride with my husband as lucky ones. We ride for the futures of these babies to be cancer free!
I always ride in honor and memory of my brother who lost his life to a speeding car while riding his bicycle. Chip is in my heart with every mile and every dollar raised. I feel so proud to be his sister and to ride again in his honor.
Our team is excited to welcome our new Pedal Partner, Zoey. Zoey is almost 8 year old. She has been battling T-ALL Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia for the past two years. She has been through an aggressive treatment protocol, and she is due to complete her treatment soon. We are excited to embrace, love, and support her in every way.
Thayer Herr is our Pedal Partner Alumni this year. He is 6 years old now in remission and doing well.
This year marks an incredible milestone for the PMC – we’re going to cross $1 billion in lifetime fundraising for Dana-Farber Cancer Institute! You can join me in this huge effort and be #OneInABillion in the fight to end cancer!
I am eternally grateful for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and all they have done for my family and countless others to help research, treat, and cure many forms of cancer. Through survivors, friends, and family we found the Pan Mass Challenge. So once again I will train hard all summer, raise funds for research and treatments, and ride 162 miles in the PMC to end cancer.
Please donate what you can and donations are so appreciated.
MOST IMPT: Please click Donate to my Ride at the upper right, or to the left. The PMC gives 100% of every rider-raised dollar to the DFCI. I welcome the best gift you can manage. You can also send a check payable to PMC & mail to: Lisa McRae, 66 Constitution Rd. Charlestown, MA 02129
You can also Venmo me directly: @Lisa-McRae, or Venmo the PMC link to the left. It will all go straight to the cause!
Also, please ask if your company matches donations your donation will go that much further!
Thank you for your continuous support.
I appreciate your donation so much! Thank you!