I started riding PMC in 2003 when my daughter Megan was 5, Emily was 3, and Ryan was almost 1. Todd joined me in 2004 and since then it has been our mission to raise money for Dana Farber. When Emilly was 15 months old she was diagnosed with a deisease called Langerhan Cell Histiocytosis. We found ourselves at the Jimmy Fund Center at Dana Farber for two years of visits. I had an emotional 'ah ha' moment sitting in the Dana Farber waiting room one day, surrounded by incredible volunteers, knowing that we would have to do something to give back. This is our way to do it and its an honor to be a part of this event and to have your support.
We had a goal to ride PMC for 10 years and we met that goal in 2012. We enjoyed family time and trips in 2013 and then rode again in 2014 despite the cold rains. Here is a glimpse of our time line:
2003: 1st year PMC. 1st year riding a bike more than 20 miles. Megan was 4, Emily just turned 3, and Ryan 10 months. That year Emily was going to Dana-Farber every 3 months for check ups. Our team had 12 members: Rina and I and 10 guys. Team NRFH raised $60,000. PMC had 3,500 riders and raised $16 million.
2004: Todd’s first PMC year and he hasn’t stopped biking since. Forest Gump-ish.
2005: Emily turned 5 and was ‘free and clear’ of any reoccurrence. We are so blessed.
2006: We said ‘let’s make it to 10 years’
2008: The kids cheered us on all weekend (photo here).
2009: Year 7
2010: Year 8
2011: The kids again cheered us on all weekend. Our team is now 30 people and we raised over $150,000. PMC had 5,000 riders and raised $35 million.
2012: We made it to 10 years. Megan is 13 (almost 14), Emily 11 (almost 12), and Ryan 9 (almost 10).
2013: Family vacations and family time, this was our year off. But we missed the PMC family.
2014: Despite cold rain downpours it was an amazing ride with our kids cheering us on along the way.PMC raised $41 million. year 11.
2015: Unimaginable loss of our team captain Andy Elipoulos. Many tears and memories shared. The ride will never be the same without him, but he would want us to ride on. Thank you kids for cheering us on again.
2016: Incredible year and we feel so blessed and thankful to our donors.
2017: Year #14! (Meg finished her first year of college, Emily is going to be a Senior, and Ryan is starting high school next year. Where has the time gone?).
2018: It's been so many years I need to refer to this page to remember this is year #15! Can we make it to 20 years?
2019: year #16 was amazing
2020: 'PMC reimagined' : year of change and unpresidented moments. Cancer patients need our help more now than ever. Year 17. We will make to 20!
2021: Eight members of our team (Team HOPE) are riding the 'regular route'. 25 riding from Kristin's house. We hold both of our Moms close in our hearts as they are battling cancer. Year 18.
Our team is now 38 people and to date we have raised almost $3.5 million! Wowza! Money is needed more than ever as so many funds being allocated to Covid. PMC goal this year is $52 million. 100% of funds to DFCI.
2022: Team Hope is 20 years old! Our Moms are both doing well. Let's goooooo Team Hope!
2023: Year 20! In the last year we lost both of our Mom's to cancer. Our daughter Meg joins us for riding PMC to celebrate 20 years!
2024: Year 21 (and 20 for Todd) here we go! Meg is riding again. We ride for our Moms, Tommy from team HOPE, Pete from team Daisy, and way too many others. This year PMC will hit ONE BILLION dollars donated to DFCI !!!
We feel so blssed to have a healthy family and amazing friends. Thank you!!!