jacqueline spencer's PMC
jacqueline spencer's PMC
MY PMC Total
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PMC ID - JS1176
PMC ID - JS1176
Why I Ride ...
After an inspiring ride last year, I feel compelled to ride again! It was so remarkable...I was pulled along by the energy of the cyclists, the endless cheering crowds all along the way (including a calypso band, multiple bagpipers, and most memorable - survivors of cancer), the numerous volunteers serving bananas and peanut butter, snacks, and drinks, the physical therapists with magical hands and menthol rub, the internal adrenaline and sense of riding for a greater purpose. In addition, this may be a momentous year since the PMC is likely to exceed the 1 billion fundraising mark!
So, I will be riding 180 miles from Sturbridge to Provincetown in the Pan Mass Challenge on August 3rd and 4th in honor of patients, family, and friends who have confronted cancer. I am very proud to help raise funds to beat cancer, especially knowing that 100% of donations go directly to the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, supporting their strong commitment to finding a cure.
Why I Ride ...
After an inspiring ride last year, I feel compelled to ride again! It was so remarkable...I was pulled along by the energy of the cyclists, the endless cheering crowds all along the way (including a calypso band, multiple bagpipers, and most memorable - survivors of cancer), the numerous volunteers serving bananas and peanut butter, snacks, and drinks, the physical therapists with magical hands and menthol rub, the internal adrenaline and sense of riding for a greater purpose. In addition, this may be a momentous year since the PMC is likely to exceed the 1 billion fundraising mark!
So, I will be riding 180 miles from Sturbridge to Provincetown in the Pan Mass Challenge on August 3rd and 4th in honor of patients, family, and friends who have confronted cancer. I am very proud to help raise funds to beat cancer, especially knowing that 100% of donations go directly to the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, supporting their strong commitment to finding a cure.
My Supporters
I have chosen to keep all of my donors' information confidential; therefore it is not displayed on my PMC public donor list.