Joe Makalusky's PMC
Joe Makalusky's PMC
MY PMC Total
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PMC ID - JM1189
PMC ID - JM1189
Why I Ride ...
My purpose in riding this year is two-fold; I wish to honor the memory of my father-in-law who was taken by cancer, and I hope to support my neighbor Dr. Jennifer Crombie who is battling advanced ovarian cancer. Not only is Jenn a wonderful mother of two, but she also happens to be an oncologist at Dana Farber who has treated and helped countless people through their own cancer treatment and journey. All of the money that I manage to raise will be dedicated to the Jennifer Crombie Ovarian Research Fund at Dana Farber. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and PLEASE donate whatever you can to this worthy cause...
Why I Ride ...
My purpose in riding this year is two-fold; I wish to honor the memory of my father-in-law who was taken by cancer, and I hope to support my neighbor Dr. Jennifer Crombie who is battling advanced ovarian cancer. Not only is Jenn a wonderful mother of two, but she also happens to be an oncologist at Dana Farber who has treated and helped countless people through their own cancer treatment and journey. All of the money that I manage to raise will be dedicated to the Jennifer Crombie Ovarian Research Fund at Dana Farber. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and PLEASE donate whatever you can to this worthy cause...
My History
2024 |
$4,000.00 |
Wellesley to Bourne (1-Day, Sat) |
2023 |
$100.00 |
PMC Fundraiser |
2022 |
$4,000.00 |
Wellesley to Bourne (1-Day, Sat) |