Jim Milde's PMC
Jim Milde's PMC
MY PMC Total
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PMC ID - JM0456
PMC ID - JM0456
Why I Ride ...
Thanks to each of you who have supported me during the past 11 years I have riden in the PMC and thanks to those who can find it in their heart to help me raise money this year. Our goal this year is to raise $75 million to support cancer research at Dana Farber.
Thanks so much for your generous support !
Why I Ride ...
Thanks to each of you who have supported me during the past 11 years I have riden in the PMC and thanks to those who can find it in their heart to help me raise money this year. Our goal this year is to raise $75 million to support cancer research at Dana Farber.
Thanks so much for your generous support !
My Supporters
I have chosen to keep all of my donors' information confidential; therefore it is not displayed on my PMC public donor list.