I ride for William! My son, age 7, is a two-time cancer survivor and my inspiration.
In 2018 my son William was diagnosed with stage IV liver cancer and after about a year of surgeries and chemo he entered remission. Unfortunately, after a year free from disease it returned. That meant another year of treatment, but the wonderful news is that William has been back in remission since fall of 2020!
William is doing great and is a happy seven year old. He makes us smile and laugh every day - and I can't believe he's gearing up for summer after completing first grade! He approaches everything with a sense of excitement and joy - which currently includes signing up for every sport possible (recent Little League champs by the way - go Padres :). He loves sports (Hockey, Golf, Baseball), superheros, and playing with his friends and family. At the top of the list though is making his younger sister smile.
Our family has benefited firsthand from the treatment, care, and medical advancements of Dana-Farber and the Jimmy Fund Clinic. We are lucky to live close to the best treatment center in the world, and I’m riding in honor of William to help raise funds to continue the progress towards finding less harmful treatment options and ultimately a cure.
100% of rider-raised revenue goes directly to support the Jimmy Fund and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute.
I'm kicking it up a level this year and riding the 85 mile route. My heartfelt thanks go out to all of you for your support.
Thank you,