Frank Maglio's PMC
Frank Maglio's PMC
MY PMC Total
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PMC ID - FM0015
PMC ID - FM0015
Proud to be a 23 year PMC Rider
I am participating in my 23rd PMC, 192 miles from Sturbridge to Provincetown.
While challenging, the ride is actually the reward for doing the really hard work, fundraising. Our goal is $75 Million. To ride Sturbridge to Provincetown, riders commit to raise $6,000, however, if each rider only did the minimum we would not get there. My goal is $12,000.
Thank you to my friends and family who are involved as volunteers, riders and to all new and long time supportersof the PMC.
Proud to be a 23 year PMC Rider
I am participating in my 23rd PMC, 192 miles from Sturbridge to Provincetown.
While challenging, the ride is actually the reward for doing the really hard work, fundraising. Our goal is $75 Million. To ride Sturbridge to Provincetown, riders commit to raise $6,000, however, if each rider only did the minimum we would not get there. My goal is $12,000.
Thank you to my friends and family who are involved as volunteers, riders and to all new and long time supportersof the PMC.
My Supporters
I have chosen to keep all of my donors' information confidential; therefore it is not displayed on my PMC public donor list.