Although, I have been a Cyclist for the past 40 years this is the 1st year I will be riding the PMC. Like many of you, the scurge of cancer has either threatened me personally or someone near and dear to me. Indeed, on the day I registered to ride this year's PMC, 2 close friends related to me ongoing battles with the disease.
As a survivor myself(Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma, diagnosed in 1998, 22 year survivor), I know the full range of emotions related to it: from life changing fear to the resolute grit to fight that emerges from seemingly nowhere.
Since that time 22 years ago, I make the effort to look upon each day with graditude.
An event like PMC allows me to express that graditude, doing something I love as well as to helping end something I hate.
On Friday, May 1st, along with all the other participants of this year's PMC, I got a note from Pan Mass Executive Director, Billy Star. in which he reluctantly announced the cancellation of this year's PMC. While not entirely surprised because of all the safety issues related to COVID19, I was never the less saddened by this news. Like all the other participants in this year's PMC August 2 day ride, I have been putting much energy into fundraising as well as training.
Billy went on to say that, in spite of this set back, the need to support The Dana Farber Institute, doesn't go away. The war on Cancer must continue. Indeed, Billy announced that the PMC will be reimagined as a group effort performed separately. I heartily concur.
On August 1st and 2nd, to the extent that social distancing guidlines are relaxed, I will be riding support the battle against this scurge.
With love and Graditude,