Life is busy. Days can feel long, yet years feel short. Perspective gets lost even knowing tomorrow is not a guarantee. New purpose is found. Moments and memories help to regain perspective and purpose.
Standing next to my friend Lauren Noonan at the Celebration of Life for the daughter of our mutual friend Sue Butts is when I signed up to be a part of the PMC.
Lauren’s 4 year old son Owen was recently diagnosed with leukemia while Sue’s daughter Emily just lost her life to it.
Friends and family gathered around on what should have been Emily’s 9th birthday. Tears fell, hearts broke, hugs were had and souls ignited as her Dad Terrence spoke on behalf of his forever 8 year old baby girl.
In this moment I was reminded of my perspective and purpose. Much like in a recent moment when I stood in a room full of people at a PMC fundraiser and the speaker asked, “who is here for the Noonans?” and the place lit up.
For those who know me, you know that I’m a go-getter who loves a good challenge.
Do I own a bike? NO
Do I even like cycling? Even bigger NO
Am I going to crush this ride? YES
August 4th I will be joining my teammates in a 79 mile bike ride from Bourne to Provincetown. Throughout this ride I will be thinking of all those in my life that have been affected by this devastating disease. From all the children and families that I got to know at Children’s Hospital Boston as a Child Life Specialist to my father in law John who will be at the forefront of my mind. Diagnosed with stage four kidney cancer a few years ago, John has endured an intense course of treatment and I have never heard him complain. He will be my strength.
Aside from the ride, this is a fundraiser to fund lifesaving treatments, research and support for children, adults and families of Dana Farber Cancer Institute and The Jimmy Fund Clinic.
Can we raise $6K to honor and support family and friends? YES
Let’s be “wonderfully insane” together and help all of those who have had to face the unfathomable reality of cancer.