As I write this, I am more determined than ever to raise funds for Dana Farber and Cancer Research. On February 27th, I lost my friend Debbie Kaye to breast cancer. Debbie was simply a warm and caring person who brightened the world with her smile, her positivity and her willingness to help others. I wish that we were futher along in our efforts to erase cancer from this world, it is such a cruel disease and one that takes the best people too soon.
I started riding the PMC three years ago alongside my friend Sue who has metastatic breast cancer and who has ridden each of the 21 years since her diagnosis. She has been my inspiration thus far but this year, I also ride for Debbie and for each patient who is facing a cancer diagnosis in a very scary time. As funding for research is being cut at the Federal level, it is more important than ever for us as individuals to keep the research moving forward.
The PMC donates 100% of rider raised funds towards Cancer Research at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. I recently learned that Dana Farber participates in more than 40% of all worldwide research studies conducted to find new cures and better treatments.
I hope that none of us will ever need to count on Dana Farber for treatment but if we do, or if our loved ones do, we will benefit from our proximity to one of the best cancer centers in the world.
I am honored to ride as a member of Team Duncan. Team Duncan is the team founded by the breast cancer group of Dana Farber, in fact, several of the clinicians ride with us every year. Their commitment to making a difference and finding a cure are indicative of the level of care they provide.
Thank you for considering a donation, I will be thinking of Debbie as I pedal. If you would like me to honor a friend or loved one you hold dear, please drop me a note and I will honor them as well.
The photos below represent Debbie's warm smile in both health and during her treatment. As you can see, she radiated warmth and joy even in the face of her illness. She will be missed by many.
