2024 was an epic year for the PMC. It crossed the $1.0B raised threshold since its inception in 1980 AND raised a record $75MM for the year. Now it’s on to 2025.
Once again, I will do the pedaling from Wellesley to Provincetown, over two days, the first weekend in August for our rides 7th year.
I'm so grateful to this rides donor's as well as being CURED OF MYXOID LIPOSARCOMA AS WELL AS MYELODYSPLASTIC SYNDROME(after undergoing a successful Stem Cell Transplant in January of 2023).
I will ride from Wellesley to Bourne on Day One and Bourne to Provincetown on Day Two for a grand total of 192 miles.
Again, I do not ride the PMC because I am living proof. I ride because I was so inspired by the young children I encountered during chemotherapy, who were just as bald and sick as I was, yet always had optimistic smiles on their faces. I ride because so many in my family have been lost to cancer way too young or are dealing or have dealt with it. I ride because I am inspired by my friends who have suffered the loss of a loved one(s) or have nursed one back to health. I ride because of the real possibility that with funds raised through the PMC, a cure for cancer can be realized in our lifetime. THIS IS MY CAUSE! THIS IS MY PASSION!
This year, I am humbly asking my friends to join me who have donated before or not, to dig as deep into your hearts as you can. Also, please share. There are many I have lost touch with over the years who may want to participate. Together we can and must help those that provide care or who toil in the labs 24/7 trying to eradicate the world of this terrible disease!! CLOSER BY THE MILE!
Bless you all,