On March 26th, 2022 three words turned my world upside down: “You have cancer”. I checked myself out of the hospital that night and was sick to my stomach. I spent exactly 18 hours feeling awful before I was forced to face an even more shocking reality; I was among the luckiest people in the world.
One hour after telling my family, they arrived at my door with boundless love and encouragement to assuage my deepest fears. An hour after that, my extended family was reviewing my patient notes, connecting me with the world’s best health care professionals @Dana-Farber and booking flights to be by my side as my literal and figurative “rocks”. And by the end of the week, I had a newfound appreciation for the incredibly compassionate people and resources that Marsh McLennan offers employees.
In summary, I had a fiancé, family, friends, PhDs, coworkers, and the best care delivered by world-leading oncologists in my corner while dealing with something so many people must face. How can I view my situation as anything other than extraordinarily lucky?
I'm thankful to be in remission after 6 months of treatment for advanced stage Hodgkin's lymphoma.This year I’m riding for those who may not be so lucky. 100% of PMC proceeds go to cancer research and treatment. I hope that you can find a way to contribute - every dollar counts!