Hi Friends + Family!
Two years ago, I made the greatest decision of my life. Two of my best friends, Will Cunningham and Ryan Smith, convinced me to join Team Next Generation for the 2022 Pan-Mass Challenge (a two-day bike-a-thon to raise funds for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute). After finishing both the Denver and Boston Marathons (PR: 2:32), I was unfortunately not physically able to participate in this year's Pan-Mass Challenge, but a committed team member nonetheless.
In lieu and as I journey into my next chapter as a holistic healer and Corepower Yoga Teacher, I offer a different source of healing. There is no better way to spend your money today. I promise you that. And if nothing else, I hope that this email is a ripple of love. If there is ever a time to be a voice for peace and love, it is now.
To overcome even the worst obstacles and win unalloyed happiness; there is only one fourfold remedy.
Maitri: Friendliness. Like a mother feels sukha (joy) in the successes of her children, we must all search for ultimate happiness in the virtue and friendship of others. No material gain is capable of this happiness.
Karuna: Compassion: Compassion is not merely shedding tears and despair at the misery (duhkha) of others, it is the devotion to use all of our resources -- physical, economic, mental and moral -- to alleviate the pain and suffering of others. We must find the courage to share our strength with the weak until they can once again be strong.
Mudita: The ability to feel joy and delight in the well-being and good work (punya) done by another, even though he may be a rival and/or desired to achieve the same goal and failed. There is no competition or jealousy or anger in this battle. We must all join hands and fight this fight until no mother, friend, cousin, or stranger is touched by this abominable disease.
Upeksa: Equanimity. The final pillar is not to merely have a feeling of contempt for a person who has fallen onto a non-virtuous path (apunya) but instead, to turn inwards to find out how we ourselves would have behaved when faced with the same situation, and also an examination to see how far one is responsible for the unfortunate state one has fallen.
The deeper significance of the fourfold remedy of maitri, karuna, mudita and upeksa cannot be felt by an unquiet mind and disconnected breath. We continue to plague the world with more disease as we move through our days with a lack of attention and a lack of love for ourselves and for others.
Cancer has no formula. It affects the greatest humans at the seemingly most unfair moments. Please help me reach my goal to raise 10k on September 30th 2024 for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. If you choose to believe that your contribution matters and the cure comes to fruition, you gain everything.
Find hope in the enduring power of the human spirit. Spread unconditional love. Help those who need you in both thought and action. Find great pleasure in others achievements of humanity. And find your equanimity even in the most difficult situations.
Me Ke Aloha (All of my Love)
Hi Friends + Family!
Two years ago, I made the greatest decision of my life. Two of my best friends, Will Cunningham and Ryan Smith, convinced me to join Team Next Generation for the 2022 Pan-Mass Challenge (a two-day bike-a-thon to raise funds for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute). After finishing both the Denver and Boston Marathons (PR: 2:32), I was unfortunately not physically able to participate in this year's Pan-Mass Challenge, but a committed team member nonetheless.
In lieu and as I journey into my next chapter as a holistic healer and Corepower Yoga Teacher, I offer a different source of healing. There is no better way to spend your money today. I promise you that. And if nothing else, I hope that this email is a ripple of love. If there is ever a time to be a voice for peace and love, it is now.
To overcome even the worst obstacles and win unalloyed happiness; there is only one fourfold remedy.
Maitri: Friendliness. Like a mother feels sukha (joy) in the successes of her children, we must all search for ultimate happiness in the virtue and friendship of others. No material gain is capable of this happiness.
Karuna: Compassion: Compassion is not merely shedding tears and despair at the misery (duhkha) of others, it is the devotion to use all of our resources -- physical, economic, mental and moral -- to alleviate the pain and suffering of others. We must find the courage to share our strength with the weak until they can once again be strong.
Mudita: The ability to feel joy and delight in the well-being and good work (punya) done by another, even though he may be a rival and/or desired to achieve the same goal and failed. There is no competition or jealousy or anger in this battle. We must all join hands and fight this fight until no mother, friend, cousin, or stranger is touched by this abominable disease.
Upeksa: Equanimity. The final pillar is not to merely have a feeling of contempt for a person who has fallen onto a non-virtuous path (apunya) but instead, to turn inwards to find out how we ourselves would have behaved when faced with the same situation, and also an examination to see how far one is responsible for the unfortunate state one has fallen.
The deeper significance of the fourfold remedy of maitri, karuna, mudita and upeksa cannot be felt by an unquiet mind and disconnected breath. We continue to plague the world with more disease as we move through our days with a lack of attention and a lack of love for ourselves and for others.
Cancer has no formula. It affects the greatest humans at the seemingly most unfair moments. Please help me reach my goal to raise 10k on September 30th 2024 for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. If you choose to believe that your contribution matters and the cure comes to fruition, you gain everything.
Find hope in the enduring power of the human spirit. Spread unconditional love. Help those who need you in both thought and action. Find great pleasure in others achievements of humanity. And find your equanimity even in the most difficult situations.
Me Ke Aloha (All of my Love)
I have chosen to keep all of my donors' information confidential; therefore it is not displayed on my PMC public donor list.