YEAR 12....It will always be for MARCIE
Here goes another year, another ask, and another ride. My personal goal remains the same; to kick cancer's ass, make a difference where I can, and to hold close and honor the memories of those we have lost along the way to this disease. I keep thinking that every year will be my last ride.... but cancer didn't hold back again this year.
I will always ride in memory of my best friend, Marcie Hatch Bradley. At the age of 41 she lost her life to Glioblastoma. I believe she was the best human being that I ever had in my life. I was beyond lucky that she moved in next door to me when we were just 9 months old. She was my person. I miss her and think of her I ride in hopes that one day no one else has to feel and suffer through the loss of a loved one. I ride for Marcie.
My original inspiration and the reason I started riding is for Diane Legg. This year will mark her 20th year of living with Stage IV lung cancer. She has started back on chemo last week and will continue to fight. She is nothing short of RESILIENT! She is the founder of LUNGSTRONG and has raised over $6,000,000 in 11 years for lung cancer research. This year her sister Beth, a member of the LUNGSTRONG Board was also diagnosed with lung cancer. Luckily it was early detected and the prognosis is good. I ride for Diane & Beth.
My Father's has Stage IV prostate cancer. His focus is being here for his family as long as he can and to make sure everyone is taking care of. He responded well to treatment, but it left him very tired and weak. He will be 83 in August. Unfortunately, this year we lost my Father's Brother, my Uncle Steve and his wife, my Aunt Kerry, to cancer within six months of each other. I ride for Pop, Steve, and Kerry.
After the life altering loss of my best friend to cancer in 2018, I wanted to do more, give more. I was able to partner with the non-profit Tough Warrior Princess to start and facilitate a support group for women who are or who have battled cancer. The experience of meeting women recently diagnosed, in the middle of treatment, and those now cancer free has been both hard and rewarding. I ride for the TWP's.
I ride for many others who lost this battle including; Hailey Stone, Stash Karandanis, Papa Joyce, Maureen Gill, Stephanie Serwon and LUNGSTORNG Team members; Kevin, Michelle, & Dave. I ride for all the friends and relatives of those who sponsor me year after year in honor of their lost ones.
I ride for those currently fighting; Carol Sullivan, Julie Romano,
My goal is $10,000 this year to continue to honor my best friend, those that are still fighting, and for everyone we have lost.
Any help big or small is greatly appreciated. See if your company has a match program to make your donation go further. 100% of rider-raised revenue goes directly to support the Jimmy Fund and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute's tireless commitment to finding a cure. I have met the research Doctors, visited the labs, and have seen firsthand the impact this ride has. Thank you for helping make a difference.