Claire Eckelkamp's PMC
Claire Eckelkamp's PMC
PMC ID - CE0084
PMC ID - CE0084
Why I Ride ...
I am extremely honored and excited to be riding the adult PMC for the third time this year. I have ridden the Natick Kids PMC since I was three years old and I continue to help volunteer every year. This cause has been a large part of my life. With the help of everyone who has been part of this amazing fundraising, my teacher was able to fight and win the battle against her cancer. However, not all of the battles are being won. My neighbor, friend's brother, mom's friend, and many more people have lost their lives to this disease. I will ride and raise money with hope that some day, cancer will not exist anymore. With your help, we can spread more happiness, hope, and faith. Thank you for your donations.
Why I Ride ...
I am extremely honored and excited to be riding the adult PMC for the third time this year. I have ridden the Natick Kids PMC since I was three years old and I continue to help volunteer every year. This cause has been a large part of my life. With the help of everyone who has been part of this amazing fundraising, my teacher was able to fight and win the battle against her cancer. However, not all of the battles are being won. My neighbor, friend's brother, mom's friend, and many more people have lost their lives to this disease. I will ride and raise money with hope that some day, cancer will not exist anymore. With your help, we can spread more happiness, hope, and faith. Thank you for your donations.
My Supporters
I have chosen to keep all of my donors' information confidential; therefore it is not displayed on my PMC public donor list.