Seven years ago, in Sturbridge, in the early morning light, I balanced myself among a sea of cyclists, my stomach filled with butterflies—excitement and determination. The air was filled with electricity, a sense of camaraderie and purpose. It was the start of my first Pan-Mass Challenge, and for me, it marked the beginning of a deeply personal journey.
I clipped into my pedals, feeling a rush of adrenaline as I set off alongside the other riders, all united by a common cause. As the wheels turned beneath me, my mind drifted back to why I was riding that day.
I was riding because it was the least I could do for those locked in the battle against cancer. Cancer had touched the lives of many people in my own circle—beloved aunts, uncles, cousins, and friends. Each of their names etched into my memory reminded me why I was pushing myself to pedal further, enduring the physical strain and exhaustion.
I was riding to honor the resilience and courage of those who had faced cancer head-on. I was riding for the survivors, whose strength and determination inspired me to keep pushing forward. I was riding for those currently battling so they could see that they were not alone in their fight.
But most of all, I was riding for those who had lost their lives to cancer whose memories still burn bright. I could hear their voices in my head, urging me onward with each pedal stroke. (Ride ya big baby- KM).
Six years after that first ride, The Pan-Mass Challenge continues to hold a special place in my heart because of its unwavering dedication to the fight against cancer. This year, I'll again ride with my friends and co-workers on Aug 2 & 3rd. With every pedal stroke conquered and every dollar raised, we are contributing directly to the vital research and care provided by the Jimmy Fund and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. We ride, knowing that our efforts are making a tangible difference in the lives of those affected by this relentless disease.
I remember crossing the finish line six years ago and embracing my fellow riders, basking in the glow of our collective accomplishment, knowing that we were making a difference together. My first Pan-Mass Challenge had come to an end, but the journey was far from over. With each passing year, I continue to ride, fueled by a passion to honor the past, support the present, and build a brighter future—a future free from cancer.
#CANCERSUCKS #PanMassChallenge #closerbythemile #justaspokeinthewheel #year6 #teammapfre #ptownorbust #pedalpower #bikesfightcancer #LFG #whyiride