I am riding in honor of my mother, Judy Dowdle. Judy passed away in October 2021 after a 4 year battle with breast cancer.
Judy was a wonderful wife, mother, grandmother, and friend to many. Judy wore a smile for 62 years and her positivity and kindness touched many along the way. Judy was a lover of nature, of animals, of people, and enjoyed the little things in life.
After my mother's cancer diagnosis in 2017, my parents retired to Eastham, MA and spent their final years together enjoying life on Cape Cod. Each August, the towns of the Cape gather along the Pan Mass Challenge route to cheer on the riders. My mom enjoyed watching and supporting, including her daughter in law, my wife Melissa, and the More Cowbell team. She also put her creativity to use, making signs to cheer on the riders. Upon her rediagnosis of cancer in 2021, one of the first things she did was put together a new sign for the next year's Pan Mass Challenge, which she was unable to attend due to her illness.
Completing my first PMC ride in 2022 was an amazing experience. I completed the MMA to Provincetown one day ride, and look forward to completing the two day ride from Wellesley to Provincetown this summer.
This summer, my father, John Dowdle and I, will ride with the More Cowbell team for our second year in honor of my mom, and are proud to raise funds that will be used towards cancer research. My brother, Aidan Dowdle, will join for his first year riding, also in honor of our mother.