My story is simple. I met Billy Star (founder of the PMC) in 2013 on a ski trip in Canada and heard about the Pan Mass Challenge. It sounded like an amazing organization that was raising incredible sums of money for cancer research and making a huge impact with results. When my wife Storey was diagnosed with appendiceal cancer in 2012 it was an easy call to join in and ride the PMC. Storey had a passion for life and did not give up. That will and her love for the mountains and ranching gave her 7 years. She passed in November 2019.
So this will be my 11th year riding the PMC. What started with a few friends on the first ride has turned into a team of 85+ riders named Team Velominati! We are upping our collective goal this year to raise $1,000,000! Our motivation is tenfold this year. Our dear friend and long time rider Scott Logie will not be able to join us this year. He is in the final stretch yearlong losing battle with cancer.. A leader and a powerhouse at the head of the peloton we will miss his presence his humor and enthusiasm for everything in life.
We ride for Scott and so many of our friends and family that we lose to cancer. We ride for the living that need a cure! We conntinue to make huge strides in cancer treatment and cure. The game is changing but not fast enough. So we ride to honor those not with us and we ride for the living that need our help funding the cure.
Bringing cures for cancer closer by the mile requires a committed community, pushing forward together, for maximum momentum. Last year we had over 6,500 cyclists (including 950 cancer survivors, and 140 Dana Farber doctors, nurses and staff) from 43 states and 8 countries, along with 3,000 volunteers. Each cyclist and volunteer is dedicated to a best-in-class institute to accelerate cancer research and treatment, which is to everyone’s advantage. Dana Farber has achieved so many breakthroughs that benefit other cancer institutions and ultimately remarkable success in patient treatments.
The goal is $75 Million this year. As you know 100% of Funds raised goes to fund research and treatment at Dana- Farber Cancer Institute. All of the support for this ride including food, drinks, medical, and logistics with over 3000 volunteers is donated. Dana Farber is the #1 pediatric cancer hospital in the country and the leading cancer research facility in New England. This is the largest fundraiser of its kind as the PMC has raised over $1 Billion for Dana Farber since 1980!
I thank your sponsorship in the past and hope you will help support us in our ride this year. This is always an emotional journey. The number of cancer survivors riding in this event is inspiring. The support along the 200 mile route to Provincetown is amazing. Everyone is touched by cancer in some way. What is particularly painful is the section lined with over 100 kids who are undergooing treatment. They are the most resilient and seem oblivious to their predicament. Inspiring all who they meet.
Please click on the gallery tab to see pictures of our past rides. Will send out pictures again this year to bring you along a virtual ride. So please join me in helping us fund the research and testing that will find the cure!
With great appreciation,
The PMC supports DAF Direct to designate PMC riders for a charitable gift Click here to support my ride with a gift from your Donor Advised Fund
Your donation is tax deductible and 100% will go to Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. If you prefer to write a check, please make it out to the PMC T Jimmy Fund or Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and mail it directly to:
Andrew Hart 80486-6
Pan Mass Challenge
77 Fourth Ave
Needham , MA 02494
If your employer has a matching gift program, ask your Human Resources department for a form, and follow the process for matches.
To learn more about the Pan-Mass Challenge, please visit