PMC - 2025 YEAR THIRTEEN for Evan's Crew!
Another year has past without Evan, our spitfire! Our focus and mission remain the same. Our drive to raise awareness and funds for DIPG remains the same. We still miss our buddy. Evan's Crew will be together on August 2nd and 3rd, 2025 with thousands of riders and we will ride in memory of Evan T. Mandeville. We ride on Evan's wings and nothing would stop us.
We have all of you to thank, year after year. It is certainly NO small feat to raise over 1.8 million dollars! We are all well-aware of what we continue to ask for year after year. Commitment to the cause. Year in, year out. We will not stop and all we can hope for is your continued commitment as well.
So, why do I ride?
I ride for Evan Mandeville. Evan passed away on November 13, 2012 after being diagnosed with DIPG, a rare, inoperable brain tumor. Evan lived exactly one year from his date of diagnosis. Evan was 11 years old and the son of my dear friends, Aimee and Tim. My family has been closely connected with the Mandeville's for over 30 years. Evan and Riley were born 4 days apart and complete opposites but 'buddies' who were just starting to figuring each other out. Evan was full of life, a dare-devil, a comedian. I miss massaging his feet and watching him live his life on his terms, his way. There is a void that can't be filled. So when you think 'you can't', when you think 'I shouldn't', when you think 'it's impossible'...think about the Mandevilles and think about Evan. We have now coined a phrase after Evan...two words...'Evan would.' So live life. Be positive. Take risks. Because 'Evan would'.
During Evan's year of treatment for DIPG, Aimee and Tim stated that Dana Farber is filled with the 'nicest people you NEVER want to meet.' Dana Farber and the Pan-Mass Challenge team up to raise MILLIONS for cancer research.
Evan's Crew has now raised over 1.8 MILLION DOLLARS for DIPG research! AMAZING - thank you doesn't seem to cut it...
Please help raise funds to find a cure so families like the Mandevilles can have a glimpse of hope. 100% of your donation will be directed to DIPG research specifically. FINDING A CURE FOR DIPG COULD BE THE GATEWAY TO CURE ALL CANCERS.
I'm a proud supporter of the PMC because it is leading a charge to beat cancer. In fact, last year 100% of rider-raised revenue went directly to support the Jimmy Fund and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute's tireless commitment to finding a cure.
My Links
Team Evan's Crew
Team Evan's Crew