It is now 2024 and i know that there are many worthy causes competing for your charity dollars these days, especially considering the Pandemic (thankfully, almost behind us) But we'd appreciate your support in this one as it is very dear to our hearts. This will be 10 years since we lost our team leader, Mike Noble (I can't believe it.). This was his charity and it has become mine. Mike rode this event with his kids AFTER his diagnosis and surgery for Pancreatic Cancer. I joined the team the following year.
This fund raiser is the most emotional, inspirational and physically demanding/ rewarding event I can imagine. It is all that and more. Please help me, once again, to reach my fund raising commitment of $10814 to get my final total to $125000. Your kind words and support inspire me to keep participating in this very worthy event.This will be my 11th PMC at age 78. Whoda thunk it? I think this is the fourth time I will ride for the last time.
As I put in the training miles, I think of all my friends and relatives who have succumbed to this dreadful disease. Unfortunately, each year I add a few more to my list of people to think about as I pedal for hours at a time to get ready for this great event. On the day of the ride I, espeically, think of Mike and I am moved by all the signs of Thanks by cancer survivors standing along the course. It's impossible not to be emotional during the long days.
Team fundraising dollars will be directed to the Michael C. Noble Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. This fund benefits the research of Dr. Brian Wolpin who is one of the leading pancreatic cancer experts in the country.
Thanks for all of your support.